well, seeing as my hard drive broke and deleted my TOB game (my most enjoyable party EVER! damn!) i am now starting over and reinstalling everything. now, there is a slight problem i am encountering in the opening dungeon.
for whatever reason, the sweage golem will not talk to me ("cannot initiate dialoge, sewage golem appears busy" message) even though i have the activation stone. i have hardly begun playing, and just walked through the opening parts of the dungeon. i installed SOA, TOB and the baldurdash fix packs (bugfixes and text updates) as well as the offical TOB patch but no mods or updates that i have never used before (never had this problem) in case that helps.
if anyone knows how to fix this annoying problem, i would be happy. thanks for the help!
irenicus dungeon troubles
You need the latest ToB Patch, the "Cannot initiate dialogue..."- thing is a known problem with ToB and Windows XP.
You can get the patch here:
http://www.bioware.com/games/throne_bha ... t/patches/
And your question is asked about 2 - 3 times a month on this forum...
You can get the patch here:
http://www.bioware.com/games/throne_bha ... t/patches/
And your question is asked about 2 - 3 times a month on this forum...
There are three kinds of people that no one understands: geniuses, madmen and guys that mumble.