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simplest basic editor

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simplest basic editor

Post by Mirk »

what is the simplest safest (i.e. a dumb non-programmer like me cant screw things up with it) editing utility for BG2? all i want to do is some cosmetic changes, like make a certain armour look like a leather armour insted of chaimnail...
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Post by Thrain »

shadowkeeper. can't remember the link you need though. will be in the reference thread.
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Post by Numinor »

You can't do the things Mirk wants to do with SK (editing items for example)
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Post by UncleScratchy »


For changing the appearance of items in the game you'll need something like Infinity Engine Editor Pro (IEEP). Shadowkeeper will let you change the appearance of you avatar but I don't think you can alter the appearance of an item with it. I may be wrong. SK can be very powerful as it has a Creature Editor, Item Editor and Character Editor function and you can do a lot with it. But IEEP is the way to go if you want to mess with game items (though its a bit more complicated). A couple years ago I wanted to make custom items so I downloaded IEEP and the tutorials. Within a couple of hours I had it down pretty good. (Unfortunately I found that customized items spoiled the game for me and I lost interest). SK, on the other hand, is a lot easier to master. You might also want to download Infinity Explorer, BAM Workshop, or even 'winbiff'. All are useful tools.
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