This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
well a while back i got caught trying to have a certain enchanter try to enchant a gem wich i stole from her in a certain kajits quest.
and im just wondering is it possible to make amends with the mages guild cause ive talked to the guy in vivec about "making amends" and he says stuff like in a week or so every1 will forget about your misdeads and you will be a journeyman in welll standing or somthing like that and im like sitting there moth wide open about ready to blow off the guys head with my new spell but i go out and do some battling i come back in about 1 and a half weeks morowind time grown about 7 lvls and the guy says the same thing now im @#$%@# and i have my hands ready to blow him up......
One time i was swinging my shortsword around and accidentally hit a guy and i had to make ammends so i talked to trebonious or whtever and he told me the same thing, all i had to do was wait for a couple days in front of him and he said hello apprentice and i was back in
I didnt know it was so easy making amends at the mages guild. I'm kicked out of the Thieves Guild but if I want to make amends I have to pay 1000 gold and I dont think thats owth the money.
its just a thousand bucks, sheesh pretty soon you'll be rakin in the cash if you arent already... or just make a quick trip to vivec and rob some vaults
I am not saying I cant afford it. But I didnt liked the thieves guild in the first place. I have much more fun doing Hlaalu quests of quests from the fighters guild. Al that sneaking around I prefer to kill people, and then steal from them .