Known around the world as the finest four-hour Infinity Engine modding competition ever conceived, the third installment of the world-famous Iron Modder competition will be held SUNDAY MAY 16, 2004, commencing at 12 noon Central US time (6 PM UK, 7 PM Europe, 10 AM Pacific US, 1 PM Eastern US.) Mark your calendars.
For those of you new to the Iron Modder concept, here's how it works:
The TV show Iron Chef depicts world-class chefs in an hour-long battle of wits and will at Kitchen Stadium. At the top of the hour, an insane overlord announces a secret theme ingredient, around which the Iron Chefs must design and prepare a multi-course meal.
Things are very similar in Infinity Stadium.
Several Iron Modders have tried their hands at the previous themes, "The Last Mug of Ale In Amn" and "Some of My Best Friends Are Slimes." Both times, Ashes of Embers creator and Kelsey co-author Ghreyfain ruled supreme. Last time six challengers tried valiantly to defeat him. Join their ranks and stake your claim to the title of Iron Modder!
Iron Mods from previous competitions can be downloaded from the Iron Modder homepage, .
Full rules (they're pretty straightforward) and competition details are available at the Iron Modder forum. There is no need to sign up or declare your intention to mod--simply submit a mod constructed along the theme before the expiration of the four-hour deadline at 4 PM Central US time (10 PM UK, 11 PM Europe, 2 PM Pacific US, 5 PM Eastern US.)
Iron Modder 3: MAY 16
Iron Modder 3: MAY 16
"t's a testament to the determined RPG fraternity that a number of Baldur's Gate II mods have been successfully produced. The best can be found at" - PC Gamer UK