I haven't played SoA in a while and recently started up again. This time however i don't have ToB installed, but will try lot's of mods i've never tested.
My problem is this :
Is it possible to write something in the ini. file to make the treasure & interaction items glow like they do in ToB when you hit TAB ??
I sincerely believe i miss half of the treasure, since i can't remember where everything is. The Beholder Cult was horrible, i spent more than 1 hour searching for the smaller treasure caches.
Also, does NEJ (Never ending journey) require ToB ?? It made my game crash to desktop after character creation.
Originally posted by Mulligan I haven't played SoA in a while and recently started up again. This time however i don't have ToB installed, but will try lot's of mods i've never tested.
Ha! Sounds familiar
Anyways, get ToB; a lot of the mods out there would refuse to work without ToB installed...
In the meantime, the walkthrough on the GB homepage has locations for the main items/weapons of interest...