well i decided i wanted to make my game without cheating for skills with the thief.
i only wanted to be level 10 so i put ALL my abilities in open lock and find traps and dueled to a berserker. so i got 150 for both.
i wanted to wear armor, use staves and two handed swords.
for some reason all full plate chain etc dont let me use my thieving to open locks. Full Plate Armor +1 does tho.
so my question is, is full plate armor +1 supposed to be able to let me use thief skills and is there any armor that is better that i can use and still pick locks? and is 150 good enough to pick the locks in the game?
need help...
need help...
"War does not determine who is right, it determines who is left"
In SOA you only need about 80-95 in these skills to succed. 90-95 is a winner and then you use potions and rings to icrease them when needed. Ring of Lockpick add 25 to skil.
You aren't supposed to be able to use thief-skills in any armor other than Light, so i can't explain why you can. There are some magical armors that count as light, Shadow Dragon Scale for instance. Upgraded Aega's Hide is also very good.
But with 150 in both you should not need to bother, your set for all traps & locks in both SOA & TOB. Just remove your armor (if not in combat) before removing traps.

You aren't supposed to be able to use thief-skills in any armor other than Light, so i can't explain why you can. There are some magical armors that count as light, Shadow Dragon Scale for instance. Upgraded Aega's Hide is also very good.
But with 150 in both you should not need to bother, your set for all traps & locks in both SOA & TOB. Just remove your armor (if not in combat) before removing traps.