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Odd bug with vampire encounter

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Odd bug with vampire encounter

Post by RepDetect61850 »

Hello, Gang.

This is really strange.

I was in the middle of Chapter 2, and more precisely in the Docks District. Suddenly I encountered a Shadow Thief hunted down by Bodhi's vampires. In this encounter you can choose between helping the Shadow Thief or letting the vampires do their dirty work. I attacked the vampires and started battling them but suddenly they simply disappeared, changing to mist.
The real strange thing is that they hardly had been wounded by my party. Even more strangely the Shadow Thief I am supposed to save is nowhere to be seen... Poof, he simply disappeared with the vampires.
Has anybody experienced this? I suspect some sort of bug.

This is a list of the mods I have installed:

- Ascension;
- Ease of use mod (partial installation);
- Dungeon-be-gone;
- Improved Oasis;
- Revised Hell Trials;
- Rogue Rebalancing pack;
- Unfinished Business (latest release);

Since UB restores some encounters, I suspect this could be the reason, but I am not sure.

Any ideas, ladies and gentlemen?
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Post by Incertainty »

No, but I do have a question: What the hell is dungeon-be gone? Souns like some sort of cleaning product. 'Dungeon-be-Gone, now new and improved! Wipes out kobolds, dragons, and everything in between! No stains!' :D
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Post by Kaitsuburi »

Originally posted by Incertainty
No, but I do have a question: What the hell is dungeon-be gone? Souns like some sort of cleaning product. 'Dungeon-be-Gone, now new and improved! Wipes out kobolds, dragons, and everything in between! No stains!' :D

I think it is a mod that lets you skip Irenicus Chateau and saves you time if you start a lot of new games. I haven't used it, however.

@Repdetect, I think your situation is not a bug ~ sometimes those night spawns simply "perform" and even if you attack them, they disappear/don't turn hostile/don't die. Once you've paid ransom and clearly taken sides, then the opposite side will likely attack you.

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Post by RepDetect61850 »

Originally posted by Incertainty
No, but I do have a question: What the hell is dungeon-be gone? Souns like some sort of cleaning product. 'Dungeon-be-Gone, now new and improved! Wipes out kobolds, dragons, and everything in between! No stains!' :D

It is a mod that lets you skip Irenicus' dungeon. Shortly after being freed by Imoen, a strange guy teleports in and offers to take you to the exit of the dungeon. He gives you also some gold, experience, and all the items you would have got exploring said dungeon.

Kind of cheating, but useful if you cannot stand anymore the first part of the game. I only wish I could disable the voicing...
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Post by kopywrite »

Originally posted by RepDetect61850
Kind of cheating, but useful if you cannot stand anymore the first part of the game. I only wish I could disable the voicing...

Volume control :D

I like the voicing. If I'm not mistaken, its some more of J 'Kelsey' Compton's dulcet tones.
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Post by Mr.Waesel »

The "turning into mist" is normal for vampires. They assume gaseous form and float towards their coffins, where they recover.
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