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Editing polls

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Editing polls

Post by fable »

Is it possible to permit thread creators to edit their own poll categories? I notice this is only granted to moderators in a given forum. Since we only allow reasonable polls, it would make a degree of sense to permit that to poll creators. I've just put up a SYM poll now, for example, with two possible answers, and wanted to quickly add a third before too many people voted; but I can't.
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Post by BuckGB »

Unfortunately, I can't find any way to do this. I've looked through all permissions that I can assign to users, and there is nothing that involves editing polls (just permissions involving posting polls and voting in polls).

I'm betting that I'd have to allow members the right to delete their own threads to give enough permission for editing a poll, which caused a lot of complaints in the past. Hopefully vBulletin 3.0 will allow more freedom in granting rights to users, which we're still planning on getting installed in the near future (it's on a test server now).
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Post by Craig »

Buck can it be done now? And out of interest, as I have made many foolish threads myself, why did allowing people to delete their own threads become a problem?
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Post by Xandax »

[QUOTE=craig]Buck can it be done now? And out of interest, as I have made many foolish threads myself, why did allowing people to delete their own threads become a problem?[/QUOTE]

The problem in letting people delete their own threads is if somebody replies to it.
Deletion of your thread would possible delete other peoples posts as well. Thus the problem, because "we" can't have people being able to delete others posts.
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Post by Brynn »

Back to polls: I was wondering if I could create one but didn't find the "new poll" button anywhere... so is it still an unavailable option?

Anyway, I'd like a "Who's your favourite NPC" poll in the BG II topic. May I ask someone with the required privilege to create it? Thanks :)
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