I wonder if there are any one here, who plays SoA with Mac? Because I'm having strange problem with it, more specifically with the Jaheira romance.
The situation is this: We have already met with Elminster, who gave Jaheira the Harper pin. And now we AGAIN met Reviane and her group, although we have already fought with them and the Harper incident has been dealt with. What can be wrong with the game? I am no expert on coding, so I don't know how to do anything about this, but it is guite annoying during the game notice such bugs (or something).
There has been some other minor things, as when I reload the game if something happens that I do not wish to happen that way, the game still remembers things after the reloading, even when I haven't saved it. Like the thing that Aerie wished to sleep with the main character and he declined and then I reloaded the game and slept outdoors, and this time she didn't try it, the game still remembered that it had happened, and Aerie referred to it later.
Could this be because of the free Nalia romance I loaded from some site from the web, has it been mixing the game? I have now removed it, but of course I can't play those games again to be able to see, if it had any effect on the matter.
strange timeline
Seems to me like your problems are caused by the romance mod you installed. Have you installed the official game patch and the Baldurdash fixpack? I would recommend a re-install followed by those patches. Your save games should still work afterwards (remember to move your save games to another location before you uninstall the game!).
Understatement of the year:
"Women have a way of complicating things" - Odysseus, in the movie Troi
"Women have a way of complicating things" - Odysseus, in the movie Troi
Thanks. I have now re-installed the game, but not yet played it to see if it has had any effect. I think I have the latest patch (for Mac, of course), though it is my hubby who does all this technical stuff, like gets the latest updates etc., I just play the game
. This was a problem though he could not find the answer, other than that it had to be the mod (though it was supposed to be good with no major bugs in it). But I will try again to see this has helped.
Oh, and I want to apologise if my message was a spoiler of some sorts and I didn't warn people in advance. I hope anyone didn't loose their joy of playing the game because of it.
Oh, and I want to apologise if my message was a spoiler of some sorts and I didn't warn people in advance. I hope anyone didn't loose their joy of playing the game because of it.