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Bodhi won't die?!

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Bodhi won't die?!

Post by zither »

Hi--first timer at wit's end. In the final Bodhi fight, I knock Bodhi down to Near Death all right, but then she just stands there and hisses as I whack away and away and away... Thousands of points of damage, but she won't retreat to her coffin. I hit her with everything I can think of, fight her solo or in a group (fight long enough in a group and the Order paladin unleashes a fireball that hits the whole group and everyone blames me. The paladin and assassin run off vowing vengeance, but Drzzt stays put) -- same result. I pour that Elven drano into the blood pool, but that doesn't do anything but add 20 pts damage to Bodhi, who's already suffered five figures worth. I'm usually using a Prot. from Undead scroll... is that messing things up somehow? Am I bugged or missing something obvious? Shame to throw up my hands this far in.

Can anybody help?
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Post by Vicsun »

Install the latest official patch (ToB here) and then install the baldurdash patch. Those patches fix most in-game bugs. After you've patched, load from an earlier save (preferably one before you've entered the graveyard) and replay the battle.

Now this may or may not work, so you might want to wait and see if someone provides a more definite solution before you spend one hour trying to get to fight Bodhi again from an earlier save ;) Patching the game is something you should do regardless though
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Post by TheDude »

the scroll is your problem.
with the protection from the scroll active bodhi will ignore u no matter what, u don't existe for her so thats why she can't have her dieing speech because there is no one she can talk too :D
this problem also happens a lot with people using the scroll to defeat kangaxx. no speech no dieing no dieing no going to hell
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Post by zither »

Thanks, exalted ones. Went in without scroll and had no trouble. Onward.
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