Ok I made the mistake (perhaps) of choosing to mix alignments in my party. This was long before I figured this could have any impact on my party (I played precious little of BG1). I've gone through a significant part of the game and finally come out with a party I'm satisfied with:
Me (Swashbuckler Thief)
Now as you can see, the evil throws a wrench in things. I was completely clueless about the reputation thing! Aerie has served as my mage for the better part of the game, but I tend not to rely heavily on mages. She primarily casts Haste, Breach, Pierce Magic, that sort of thing. I've found that most of the offensive spells are either useless or do too much damage to my party.
Anyways, I'm confident I could get through the rest of the game with this party (they're very good together, fighting wise!) and they haven't fought in ages! In fact, Korgan is extremely amusing, IMO.

However, I've recently gotten to the end of Chapter 4 and am faced with the option of rejoining Imoen to my party. Since my main character is a Thief, I have no need of them. Should I get Imoen? Who should I drop for her? (keep in mind I'm stuck underground with not a heck of a lot of equipment to give her) AND if you recommend having a mixed-aligned party, how does my configuration work out?