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Is This A Problem?

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Is This A Problem?

Post by Eadaii »

Like many girls, I like to play as a female character, and was annoyed at the lack of choices in the romance department. So, I decided to start a new game as a guy, to see what those romances and interactions would be like. But eventually, I got fed up with playing a guy, but I was too lazy to re start, so I slapped the belt of gender bender on to my character (which I'd kept around for scenarios like this), and proceeded to change 'her' voice-set and portrait to that of a female character. (Strangely enough, the romance my male character had had with Viconia is still going, having developed into an unintentionally bi affair, but whatever). I'm perfectly happy with the game, now being able to experiance the male interactions of the game while playing a female, however my character is now labeled as "cursed," and the biography for it has turned completely odd and incoherant. Is there a known bug with the belt of gender bender, is what I'm asking, or should these be the only problems I will experiance?
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Post by SP101 »

If you want an incredible romance for a Female protagonist : Solaufein is for you :) It's a NPC useful in any party and he have alot of dialogs with other NPCs. (I love those with Imy).

EDIT : The Biography and the "Cursed" status aren't important at all. The Biography is just there for roleplayers. BTW, you can change appearance of your character with SK :

If your character is a Elf Male Warrior and you want a Female, you just switch the appearance to Elf Female Warrior
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dragon wench
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Post by dragon wench »

lol! I can't help with the technical stuff so my apologies there ;) but slightly off-topic, if you begin another game at some point, you might also want to consider, if you haven't already, some of the mods out there. Solaufein and Kelsey are both fun, and if you are comfortable roleplaying a bisexual PC, I'd also suggest Chloe.
These are all great mods, and allow women playing female characters a bit more choice when selecting a partner. ;)
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Post by Numinor »

As you already noticed, the belt is cursed and only changes your gender until you cast a Remove Curse spell (or purchase one at a temple), for the game you are still (more or less) female, since for example the romance variables are set at the beginning of the game.
If you want some more romancable NPCs for females, try Chloe, Kelsey or Solaufein, they're all very well developed mods that really make it more enjoyable to play female characters ;)
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Post by SP101 »

P.S. : I understand you - Ano is REALLY harassing some time... (More than Aerie's whinings IMO)
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Post by Eadaii »

Rather off topic but-Dragon Wench, I love your avatar. Anyways, thanks to those who suggested various mods. I am about to start a new game, so I can create a slightly different character and party, as you'll see in my other threads, so I have a question: Do any of these romance mods continue through ToB, since I intend to play this game all the way through both games.
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dragon wench
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=Eadaii]Rather off topic but-Dragon Wench, I love your avatar. Anyways, thanks to those who suggested various mods. I am about to start a new game, so I can create a slightly different character and party, as you'll see in my other threads, so I have a question: Do any of these romance mods continue through ToB, since I intend to play this game all the way through both games.[/QUOTE]

Thanks regarding the ava, I've had a lot of comments on it :)
To your question, the Solaufein and Chloe romances will begin at a certain point and run their course regardless. Kelsey, however, has specific ToB content I believe. This being said, my present copies of these mods are not the most recent versions so it is possible additional content has been created since I last downloaded them, if you check in the 'readmes' they should provide more comprehensive detail.
Also to note. Both Kelsey and Chloe will romance Imoen if your PC is not in a relationship with them. So lots of options here ;) . Incidentally, you must have Imoen in your party for Chloe to romance your PC.
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