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Post by Pepsimax_x5 »

How good r Assassins? Is 15/p/lvl enough to be good at Backstab, Set and Disarm/Detect traps? Ive bin thinking of starting a multiplayer game and saving it in single so i can make an Assassin as well as my WS.

Edit: Why wont any1 reply? If its a bad question why wont any1 say that :confused: Theres bin 14 views & no replies. I feel neglected :(
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Post by SP101 »

I never tried an Assassin, but you can easily have enough thievery points to fill up Hide in Shadow/Stealth really fast.

Let say... you'll get about lvl 15 in the Underdark.

15 (lvl) x 15 (pts) = 225.

You have something like 70- 80pts when you start (lvl1) as a thief, so you'll have like 300 pts. Eventually, you can disarm traps and open locks as an assassin. Just to be sure, get some Potions of Master Thievery and you'll just be fine.
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Post by glenfar »

I played an Assassin a little while ago, and I didn't have much problem with traps/locks.

I wouldn't worry too much about locks early on - there's other ways around that (have a Mage memorize a few Knock spells, try bashing them with your strongest character, or better yet cast DUHM then try to bash them). As for traps, around 75-80 in traps will handle most of them. And you can bump those stats up later on, once you're getting pretty decent with the shadows.

And of course, you'll want to pick up the various magic items that boost your thieving skills (boots of stealth, mercykiller ring, ...). And as SP101 mentioned, you can give yourself a temporary boost with a potion (master thievery for +40 in locks, or perception for +20 in both locks and traps).
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Post by FireLighter »

Getting armor for your assassin

I would suggest doing the mae'var quest early on for the shadow armor, one of the best armors in the game for a thief. I tried an assassin before and they are REALLY fun, the poison really helps in tough fights, go hide in shadows, after you poison your weapon, then really fast run and backstab for a TON of damage and poison as you make your get-a-way. Really fun tactic IMO. :D
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Post by Ekental »

Actually if you do the Umar Hills quest the armor is better...
Assasins are a great class, you don't have to worry about the fact that they have low amounts of skill points per level just concentrate on traps, shadows, moving in shadows, first...
Potions of master thievery abound in the game, so you should have no trouble with locks and such early on. esp since the effects stack
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Post by Raumoheru »

im currently soloing a fighter assassin (with help of SK) and assassins ROCK!

when the get HLAs get the "Assassination" one and you can use ur x7 backstab with every hit for the durration. combine that with greater whirlwind attack to devestate ur opponents!

note: 15 per level is NOT enogh for stealth and open locks find traps etc

kill the shadow dragon in the umar hills quest to get the shadow dragon scales. then go to cromwell in the docks and have him forge you the shadow dragon armor. it has an armor class of 1 and look really nice on an assassin
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Post by FireLighter »

[QUOTE=Raumoheru]im currently soloing a fighter assassin (with help of SK) and assassins ROCK!

when the get HLAs get the "Assassination" one and you can use ur x7 backstab with every hit for the durration. combine that with greater whirlwind attack to devestate ur opponents!

note: 15 per level is NOT enogh for stealth and open locks find traps etc

kill the shadow dragon in the umar hills quest to get the shadow dragon scales. then go to cromwell in the docks and have him forge you the shadow dragon armor. it has an armor class of 1 and look really nice and an assassin[/QUOTE]
Regular assassins can't wear that dude...
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Post by Pepsimax_x5 »

^Wasnt the Dragon Scale counted as Studded Leather?

How many points in set traps do u need to set snares well?
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Post by FireLighter »

If it is, then SWEET I'm heading there soon :D to answer your question, I'd say around 60-70 is when you start noticing a big difference.
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Post by Thrain »

all theives can wear shadow dragon armour (unless they munchkin kensai->theives)
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