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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Post by Krusader »

How do I take one?

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Post by giles337 »

well, i'm on "the box" so i may be wrong, but you should just be able to do a screen dump(press the print screen key) and then paste it in to a graphics program. If you have a screenshot utility such as ScreenCap already on your PC there may be a different way, but that is the simplest, and you can also take a screenshot, and then wait till you have finished your session before processing it.
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Post by Dark Master »

Normally pressing the print screen button will take a screenshot, but for reasons passing understanding Morrowind shipped with this option disabled.

If you go to my computer/c: program files/bethesda/morrowind you'll find a file that is called Morrowind, configuration settings. Open it up and where it says: Screen Shot Enable=0 and change it to Screen Shot Enable=1

Save the file, quit it, and load up MW, now pressing print screen takes a screenshot which can be acessed in the same folder you went to before.

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Post by Bloodstalker »

You'll have to go into your MW config file and change the value of

Screen Shot Enable=0


Screen Shot Enable=1

I'd advise making a backup of the file first as you can really mess the game up altering something accidentally. It's just a simple notepad file found in your Morrowind directory.

Once it's enable, you can snap a screen by using the print screen button and paste it into a program such as paint like giles says.


I must have been replying just as Darkmaster was posting :o
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Post by giles337 »

Well. I was close. Anyone got any ideas as to WHY screenshots are disabled by default???
Mag: Don't remember much at all of last night do you?
Me: put simply.... No :D
Mag: From what I put together of your late night drunken ramblings? Vodka, 3 girls, and then we played tic-tac-toe and slapped each other around.
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