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Crafting weapons etc

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Crafting weapons etc

Post by jedfordski »

Hi guys, just got back into TOEE after a while. After reading all the hints and tips on this forum I realised just how much of the game game I had missed out on.

I've now started again and am in a position to try crafting magic items. My 5 PCs are level 5 and I'm ready to start the Temple levels.

So .... my Wizard now has the Craft Skill and I've activated it using the dial interface. I can choose to increase for example my +2 Longsword to +3, but there are a load of other options (flame something, greater cleave etc) that are greyed out. How do I activate these?

Thanks, Jed.
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Post by Eflat »

Here's what those other weapons enhancements are and what is needed to create them

Caster lvl- 10th.
prereq. - craft magic arms & amour, flame blade/flame strike/fireball
bonus +1
+1D6 of fire damage.
on missle weapos, arrow is enchanted

Caster lvl- 8th
prereq. - CMA & A, chill metal/ice storm
bonus +1
+1D6 of cold damage
on missle weapos, arrow is enchanted

Caster lvl- 8th
prereq. - call lightening, lightening bolt
bonus +1
+1D6 electrical damage
on missle weapos, arrow is enchanted

only slashing weapons
Caster lvl- 10th
prereq - CMA & A, keen edge
bonus +1
increase chance of crits
i.e. changes longsword 19-20 to 17-20

-Mighty Cleaving
Caster lvl- 8
prereq -CMA & A, divine power
bonus +1
add one addtional cleave attempt in a round

-Icy burst
Caster lvl- 10th
prereq - CMA & A, chill metal, icestorm
bonus +2
+1D10 cold damage on crit
if weapon crit multiplier is X3 add 3D10
on missle weapos, arrow is enchanted

-Shocking Burst
Caster lvl- 10th
prereq - CMA & A, call lightening/ligthning bolt
+1D10 elect. damage on crit
if weapon crit multiplier is X3 add 3D10
on missle weapos, arrow is enchanted

Caster lvl- 7th
prereq - CMA & A, creator must be good, holy smite
bonus +1
+2D6 against evil
on missle weapos, arrow is enchanted

Caster lvl- 7th
prereq - CMA & A, creator must be evil, unholy blight
+2D6 against good
on missle weapos, arrow is enchanted

Axiomatic (Lawful)
Caster lvl- 7th
prereq - creator must be lawful, orders wrath
bonus +2

Anarchic (Chaotic)
Caster lvl- 7th
prereq - creator must be chaotic, chaos hammer
bonus +2
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