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SoM vs. Carsomyr

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SoM vs. Carsomyr

Post by Something »

Is it just me or shouldn't these 2 weapons Dispel magic act the same.

Having went through improved Jon with a f/m/t and with a f/m/c I have begun to notice the SoM just sucks against his PFMW. Carsomyr however dispels the PFMW. Is this a design flaw, am I missing a patch, or is this just the way it is supposed to work.
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Post by glenfar »

Can't say I've tried it myself, but I did notice a comment on the Item Upgrade mod ... except that seems to imply it's the other way around ...

Anyway, the mod is here if you want it. Look in the readme file, beginning of Section III, and you'll see what I'm refering to.

[Edit] Just to clarify ... I have used the mod, and enjoy it - I meant I hadn't tested how well the dispel magic works for each weapon :)
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Post by Something »

Yeah I have that mod installed. My problem comes from this....

SoM will dispell Mantles, stoneskin, etc. But it wont dispel PFMW.

Carsomyr dispels Mantles, stoneskin and PFMW. I was just curious if either a) Carsomyr is supposed to be fixed
b) SoM (my hope) needs an upgrade to dispel upon a successful hit rather then an effective hit.
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Post by Grandpa »

Hmm. I have not really tested the two at their dispel ability, but in the Baldurdash fix for Carsomyr the .itm file is edited so it dispels like the Staff of the Magi. Not only that, it dispels more things than the Staff of the Magi (the list is huge). PFMW (Protection from Magical Weapons) removal was probably added in as a secret icing on the cake. Staff of the Magi functions normally I think.
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

[QUOTE=Something]Yeah I have that mod installed. My problem comes from this....

SoM will dispell Mantles, stoneskin, etc. But it wont dispel PFMW.

Carsomyr dispels Mantles, stoneskin and PFMW. I was just curious if either a) Carsomyr is supposed to be fixed
b) SoM (my hope) needs an upgrade to dispel upon a successful hit rather then an effective hit.[/QUOTE]

neither should dispell pfmw...since the spell itself should prevent a hit at all... :p
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