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Help with solo thread #1456345,34 :)

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Help with solo thread #1456345,34 :)

Post by moltovir »

As the title says, i need help with my very first solo in BG2. I'm playing a blade, and made it out of jonnies dungeon after a whopping 3 days and 4 hours. Is there anybody who can give me some advice on soloing, as i'm having lots of trouble with some fights. Currently i'm dual-wielding 2 katana +1, and i use the tuigan bow sometimes too. I'm collection money to buy Dak'kons blade, and experience to get the level where i'm capable of fighting the Guarded Compound, to get Celestial Fury.

Thanks in advance :)
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Post by FireLighter »

Always use protection spells, stone skin, armor, haste (not really protection but helps a lot.) other then that, Im not sure. Numerous threads deal with this, just run a search.
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Post by Something »

I would do graveyard xp quests and you could consider stealing items and reselling them to get up to buy the blade.
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Post by Grandpa » ... 3&forum=18

This person did a great solo with a Blade, really showed of the class's skills.
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Post by Sytze »

Never played a Bard myself, let alone solo him through SoA.

However, I've played a lot with Haer'Dalis in my party and know a bit about Blades.

I advice you to get a "summon army" when going into tough battles. Try summoning a couple of Skeletons and then haste them. This gives you a couple of nice allies. For your own protection, just buff yourself with every useful protection available, like; Stoneskin, MirrorImage, Protection from Evil (yes, I consider this a useful spell), Blur and, at higher levels, Tenser Transformation and the protection spells (from magic, energy, elemental and weapon damage). When going in battle, make sure you've got you Offensive Spin activated. You can also activate Defensive Spin. When you're wearing the Ring of Free action you can even walk while having Defensive Spin activated.

Further more, I think you made a wise choice by taking Katana's as you main weapon. Perhaps a few profincies in hammers and longswords can help you, too. Just so you can carry The Equalizer (for charm protection) or Crom Faeyr (for the extra strength) when going into tough battles.

Hope this helps ;)
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Post by nephtu »

Don't forget...

You don't actually need any skill with a weapon to get the benefits of having it equipped offhand..... you won't hit much with it, but then you only get one offhand attack a round anyway.
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Post by moltovir »

I've also noticed a funny thing, don't know if this is already posted: when you cast Melfs Minute Meteors and attack with them with a weapon in your off-hand, you get something like this:

To Hit Rol: x+y = z
blabla did a damage
To Hit Rol: x+y = z
blabla did a damage
To Hit ROl (left): x + y = z
blabla did a (left) damage

So you actually get one ranged attack per round with your off hand weapon, even though it's a melee weapon! Imagine MMM + Crom Faeyr in off-hand: ranged golem killer...

The only real problem i've noticed this far is that dungeons are very frustrating without someone to open locks and remove traps (my familiar can find them, but not remove them). I can open most locks with a knock spell or a DUHM+bash, but it's still irritating me. I also already have trouble with keeping inventory space in a six-party game, and now i have to carry al loot myself... Difficult choices are to come my way. Perhaps i'll just summon a Bag of Holding with a CLUA command, after all i'm playing BG2 the roleplaying game, and not BG2 the inventory management game, like the bioware guy said it :)

Edit: just finished the slaver ship. After 2 melee tries (and failures), i decided to go on the magic tour. Preparation was not little: Stoneskin, Mirror Image, Fireshield: Blue and Draw Upon Holy Might. I entered via the sewers, paused immediatly and fired of a skull trap in the centre of the room, bringing most guards to badly injured or near death. I activated offensive spin and attacked the priest of Cyric with my katanas. He fell after two hits. The other guards attacked me immediatly, and i let them do so. The stoneskin would insure my health, and the fireshield would soon finish what the skull trap had started. After that, one man was remaining: Haegan, the captain, who had not spotted me yet. A chromatic orb later and his evil soul left his body, without even injuring the man (thats me :) ) that fired the orb.

I really start to like this solo, you learn to appreciate spells and items you've never used before. Next is the battle in the rear of the ship (the mages, guards and Yuan-Ti-, but bad enough for them i've got one stolen scroll of power word: kill left :D

Edit #2: killed the last slaver group and got my reward from Hendak. I now have 20000 gold, and in a party-game i would probably pay Gaelan now. Bad luck for Imoen, as this is a solo game and i can use the money for a new weapon: Dak'Kons Zerth Blade. The scroll of power word: kill was too valuable for me so i summoned an air elemental (scroll from Irenicus dungeon), which was a 24HD one! Then i showed myself to the Yuan-Ti and the mages, who followed me to the small passageway (i survived the trap there 3-4 times) where the cells are and were one by one slain by the elemental, with some spell support from me (mainly the dispelling of stoneskins or mirror images). Also got another level. On to the sewers now, to retrieve the Cloak of the Sewers and activate the Haer'Dalis quest to get my stronghold.
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Blades are great!!!

Use summons, sell your wands and pickpocket them, and the world is yours. Just be carefull till you reach level enough to cast mislead - then no one can stop you. Well, a few, perhaps.
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Post by moltovir »

Actually.... i've never used summons this far. It's a habbit from the past. I just don't like summons. Imho they're a bit.... too (ch)easy. Perhaps the future will prove me wrong and i might start using them :)

Edit: apart from that air elemental ofcourse :)
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Keep in mind that you are alone in the dark with a weak creature... and good luck on your solo!
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