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Dumb thief question

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Dumb thief question

Post by ajpc »

Is there any real benefit to raising a thief skill past 100? Is there a max?

Told you it was dumb. Indulge me.

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Post by Krimmy »

Yes is there is a benefit, in the 2nd edition rules it reads that for every level above 3rd for the target you subtract 5% from your total pick pockets percentage. Also if the roll is 21% higher that the number generated after you figure out what you need to roll, the thief is noticed by the target.

Example: (this pulled from players handbook)

12th Thief targets a Mage, The thief's base chance is 100% modified by DEX and racial abilities it comes out to 120%, but now the target comes into question its a 12th level Mage so the math comes out to 9*5%= 45% this is subtracted from your total of 120%. The 9 comes from the levels above 3rd the target is. So you subtract the 45% from your 120% and it comes out to 75%, now if you roll under that 75% you're successfull if you roll a 76-95% you fail but arn't noticed, if you roll 96% you fail and are noticed.

Its similar with all the skills, there are subtractions to your skill points when you use them so higher is better.

The math might have changed a bit but I think its pretty close to this.

Hope that helps

[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: Krimmy ]
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