This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
can anybody tell me where in the hell the lady is that can rase my mark. to 100. I know the name of the place she lives at but where is she its not marked on the map the city, ruin or camp she is in please help!
Can't say I've seen her myself but this is what I found on Gamefaqs so I assume she's the person you're looking for.
Missun Akin
Seems like she's living in her hut on top of the dwemer stronghold Falasmaryon. Haven't got the paper map right now (note to self: dig up map of Vvardenfell) but I'm quite sure that it's on the map. At least the stronghold but maybe not the name. In that case it should be the one a bit north-west from Maar Gan.
Indeed she is in her hut Missun Akin's Hut. But it seems your sources are missing the locations of where the hut is... Might turn out to be a slight problem.
Yeah I mean on top of the stronghold. It's one of those square flat strongholds with a propylon chamber, a few huts (including the master trainer's) and the entrance to the stronghold on top of it.