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Disappearing equipment

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Disappearing equipment

Post by moltovir »

I'm soloing with a blade, and the worst thing is the small inventory space. I knew there was lots of loot in the Astral Prison, so i laid all the things i didn't need at the moment on a table in the Five Flagons before jumping through the portal. No i've come back, and it's all gone! I thought equipment on tables or in chests was saved there? This really sucks, as Daystar, the Mace of Disruption and some important scrolls were laying (oa Mae'Vars letter to the Night Ravens) on that table. Does anyone know how this could happen?
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Post by estaze »

You cant fully rely on a table or chest :D only some specific places like Cernds House, Pocket Plane etc.
My suggestion would be, CLUA your items into your game again.. It isn't really cheating IMO.
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Post by nephtu »


[QUOTE=moltovir]I'm soloing with a blade, and the worst thing is the small inventory space. I knew there was lots of loot in the Astral Prison, so i laid all the things i didn't need at the moment on a table in the Five Flagons before jumping through the portal. No i've come back, and it's all gone! I thought equipment on tables or in chests was saved there? This really sucks, as Daystar, the Mace of Disruption and some important scrolls were laying (oa Mae'Vars letter to the Night Ravens) on that table. Does anyone know how this could happen?[/QUOTE]

My guess is that the map is redrawn when it became your stronghold. This certainly happens with Mae'Var's guildhall & the de'Arnise keep. Nasty surprise, eh? Don't feel bad, it's happened to me, too :eek:

Probably your best is to CLUA in the ones you just can't livwe without. I always summon a Bag of Holding at the start & use Ease-of-Use stacking - I don't much care for the inventory management mini-game ;)
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Post by Sytze »

The area probably changed, which caused the disappearance of your items.

The same happens when you accept the Ranger cabin as your stronghold; the area changed, so if you have any items stocked in the cabin, they are forever lost.

You could, of course, Clua them in your game, or add them with Shadowkeeper

Edit: Bloody... nephtu beat me to it. I really must write faster.
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Post by moltovir »

The only problem is... outside of Daystar and the pommel jewel of the equalizer, i forgot what else was on that table :D
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Post by iamweaver »

When I started a soloing character, I just CLUAConsoled myself a Bag of Holding. There is too much miscellaneous junk in-game to deal with using 1 character's backback, IMO. Turning BG into a game of fetch-and-carry was too frustrating for me.
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Post by sparky_kat »

shouldnt it have auto saved before went into portal? try checking last auto save to see if was berfore and see if the stuff is there possibly
:D Smile.... That way they wont know what your thinking :p

[QUOTE=Tricky;990202]I can't really tell if I can't read that because I'm too drunk or because you are. :p [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Claudius;990251]Lets hope it was both of us :) [/QUOTE]
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Post by SP101 »

But there's an auto-save while climbing the stairs at the 5 flagon inns... so no more save before the entrance in the Astral Prison.
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Post by moltovir »

I have an auto-save of before i entered the portal, but i found the Astral Prison to be the hardest fight so far, so i wont play it again. But i will prolly notice it if i'm searching for something i really need and then see it isn't in my backpack anymore... Just wanted to make sure it isn't a bug.
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Post by FireLighter »

Load your auto save, write all your stuff down you lost. CLUA them in...

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