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Where do you get Meteor Slime?

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Where do you get Meteor Slime?

Post by lifeishell91 »

When I went to this website => <= and went under ingredients they talked about 'Meteor Slime', has anyone ever found any and where?

I would realy like to look around the location of this ingredient (ie. Meteors) and use the ingredient to make Cure Blight potions since Ash Salts are expensive to buy and fatal to try and get, and the only other Cure Blight Disease ingredient is Scrib Jelly, they are such useful little critters~! :rolleyes: :p :D
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Post by Rane »

This info is from the CS. And I have to say I couldn't help laughing when I read it.

Meteor Slime seems to resemble Scrib Jelly since their IDs are basically the same (ingred_scrib_jelly_01 and _02). And according to the CS there's only one place where Meteor Slime exists. It seems to "grow" on a flower called "Charles the Plant". This particular plant seems to belong to a happy khajiit named Jobasha. So check Jobasha's bookshop in Vivec. :D

Edit: Had to check this out myself. The plant does exist. And the Meteor Slime itself seems to be every alchemist's dream. The plant is on top of a bookshelf near Jobasha himself.
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Post by giles337 »

it sure does exsist, i found it by pure chance earlier today... it was pretty amusing i can tell you
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Post by lifeishell91 »

Everyone says it's amusing...what's so amusing?
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Post by lifeishell91 »

[QUOTE=Rane]This info is from the CS...[/QUOTE]

What does CS stand for?
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Post by Rane »

Everyone says it's amusing...what's so amusing?

Well the name of the plant... Who knows, it may be a part of the Royal family...

And CS, in this case, stands for Construction Set. So not the game, obviously it offers no aid in this matter :D
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Post by JesterKing »

LOL!!! charles the plant. meteor slime is good i take it> i just got into alchemy (10,000 dollar potions and fortify health 500 pts for 500 hours, holy shnikeys!) does the stuff regrow?
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