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proccessing hall

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Dr. Seuss
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proccessing hall

Post by Dr. Seuss »

wots up with the big floaty processing hall above vivec. iwent in there cleared it out got nowt and tried to free the prisoners who wouldn't cum with me and then my game froze i saved.
What is mind? no matter, what is matter? never mind

-alrite we'll kill him first then have tea and biscuits
-not biscuits
-alrite alrite lets just kill him
-hey hes buggered off
-he 'as hes scarpered

rough lines from monty python sketch
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Post by blake »

The "big floaty processing hall" is actually a moon that vivec stopped and then imprisoned in that spot so he could use it as a hall. Something like that. It is a shrine and the Pilgrims Path explains all about it.
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