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Shrine of Sheogorath quest

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Shrine of Sheogorath quest

Post by Krusader »

Where is the Giant Bull Netch??

I killed the only two bull netches around the madman's island with the Fork of Horripilation, but when I go back to the Sheogorath shrine and try to activate the statue nothing happens.

Where exactly is the Giant Bull Netch? Is it labeled as Giant Bull Netch or is it labelled as a generic bull netch?

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Post by JesterKing »

talk to big head about it, he will tell you there is an island to the east of his, and there is the netch there. maybe northeast. its labeled 'giant bull netch' and it is. :D
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Post by Krusader »

Okay, so it's not in Big Head's island, but in another one.

Okay, I'll look for it tomorrow and report back.

The light at the end of the tunnel is the light of an approaching train
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