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New help

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New help

Post by Angelus45 »

I am wondering how can I keep my characters out of the sun in the church level? I try to go on by my self to stay in the shadows but too many enemies kill me. But when I bring the whole group the AI is not smart enough to walk in the shadows.

"On the plus side, you killed the bench, which was looking kind of shifty."
-Buffy the Vampire slayer
-Season four
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Ideal Maxima
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Post by Ideal Maxima »

yea i had the same problem... the solution is... hmmm.... i dont think i ever figered it out :confused:
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MT Head
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Post by MT Head »

How about going by yourself, and when they see you, you keep backing and lure them with you until you get back to the group. Then just group everyone and have them feast on the enemies.
Or, if you have awe or another spell to make them come to you, use that one to make them come with you to some darker place.
I presume hit&run tactics may work too, if they don't follow you. Use a distance weapon/spell to hurt them, or maybe even attack them in closer combat for a few rounds, then run back to group and heal up (get some blood from your comrades if you get low yourself - if they are just gonn'a hide in the back they can at least do that for you). I don't think any opponent regenerates hitpoints, so slow and careful should work. Obfuscate might give you a nice advantage over them.
Another way that I haven't tried but that could be fun to try: Run past them and get behind that big, swinging pendulum without stopping it. When they follow to get you, they'll probably get smashed :-]
Or run past and then downstairs and use that scroll of mistform. Then you can just walk past the pendulum, and if they should follow you they die. If they don't, turn off the pendulum and go downstairs. Bring next person (if he/she is followed, you will have 2 people fighting them, which gives at least a little better chance).
Maybe you can give everyone ranged-weapons, put them on aggressive mode and then "disband" them? Perpaps that will make them damage everyone they see by ranged attacks without making them move?
But I really think some lure-tactics would be safest - bringing them back to the rest of the team and then showing them what PAIN is.

Sorry about all the "maybe":s. My Christof was so experienced from his rat-killing period that he could clear the path without any problems, so I didn't try any other tactics.
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Post by Angelus45 »

Uh lol.

Yeah I already just brought each member by themselves and it worked. But thanks for all your advice.

"On the plus side, you killed the bench, which was looking kind of shifty."
-Buffy the Vampire slayer
-Season four
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