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Shrines and Their Quests

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Shrines and Their Quests

Post by unregisturd »

Well, at various times during the game I've come across some shrines and found that they have quests for you to do. So far, I've gotten one from Azura and one from the Inihibilit (spelling?) cavern (spoiler) under the St. Delms Canton (right?) when you are sent on a Temple quest. Anyways... Here are my questions:

1. How many shrines can you do quests for?

2. Where are they?
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Post by SupaCat »

i think like 8 or so (that there are) . THere are ofcourse the four corners of the temple. Bouthia orso is close to gnaar monk and hla oad you should look on a map for that. Anyway SPOILER

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Post by Mccool »

If you take out your paper map and go to gensis, you should see a deadric shrine to the west side of ald velothi, not the left side thats where there is anoter shrine that will mark on your map but your not to go to that one,west side go there, anyway i've probably confused everyone , but this is the mission for mehrunes dagon its a pretty easy mission you should have no prob with it anyway remember west side.
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Post by Athena »

My own Q. and A.

Q. What happens at the shrine of Bal Ur?


A. To cure the vampire disease but it's too late to cure it at an alter then you have to go to a place called Bal Ur. Bal Ur is north to Suran. When you get there go inside the shrine in Bal Ur. Kill everyone there. Then look for a door that goes to the shrines underground. Keep following the trail until you reach the big statue. IT IS IMPORTANT NOT TO KILL THE WOMAN NEXT TO IT. Then talk to the woman about vampire cure. After that Tlak to the statue. It will tell you to do a favor in return for the vampire cure. (Before you do the favor I would suggest to use the spell "Mark" so it will be quicker to get back). Do the favor and come back to the statue. Talk to it and he will cure you.
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Post by GA_Havoc »

This is a permanent cure, so make sure you do all quests you want that come from being a vampire.
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