After the Leviathan, where'd my stuff go?
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 4:50 pm
Okay, just finished the Leviathan and all my stuff is gone. Except for some items I picked up during the mission and some that my NPC's were wearing/carrying, 90% of my items are gone. WTF? Did the Sith confiscate them or am I suffering from a glitch?
Hope Big Z wasn't to partial to Bacca's blade......
Side note, since I have the force wave power and it kicks ass, I played the whole Leviathan level in my undies, not wanting armor to dampen my powers. No jedi clothing to wear. Get back to the Ebon Hawk and dig out the clothing I happened to throw in one of the lockers in the hold and when I wear it looks like the Durasteel Armor suit. A glitch?
Hope Big Z wasn't to partial to Bacca's blade......
Side note, since I have the force wave power and it kicks ass, I played the whole Leviathan level in my undies, not wanting armor to dampen my powers. No jedi clothing to wear. Get back to the Ebon Hawk and dig out the clothing I happened to throw in one of the lockers in the hold and when I wear it looks like the Durasteel Armor suit. A glitch?