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How can i get werewolf desease?

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How can i get werewolf desease?

Post by Gromph »

I cant figure out how to get the desease, all the ppl in Vvardenfell are *****ing about werewolves and **** but i stil cant seem to contract the goddamned desease. someone please help me
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Post by dark_raven »

do you have bloodmoon? if not, you can't

if so, it would be my guess it would be the same as the vampire desease. (i don't know for sure, i don't have bloodmoon yet.)
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Post by Ideal Maxima »

all u hav to is get the bloodmoon expansion ro the goty edition and go to solstheim then do the main quest and u will definetly catch it in the skaal village or if your over level 50 u jus travel at 9'o clock around raven rock and u will find one... no garentees u will catch the disease , it depends on your restoration skill, the higher the level the less of the chance of catching it

hope my info helped :D
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Post by Coot »

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To get werewoofs disease you have to own and play Bloodmoon. Travel to Solstheim and play the main quest. At one point in time it will give you a choice about wheither you want to become a werewoof or not. And even if you don't you still can become one by using a certain item.
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Post by Ideal Maxima »

o yea i forgot about that for a sec use the Hircine ring to turn into the werewolf but u must do the mainquest to obtain it though... i'm not sure but f u use it enough times u stay a wolf and cant turn bak :(
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