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Morrowind Help Thread

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Morrowind Help Thread

Post by Opalescence »

Well, I've been on this forum for awhile now and I've noticed many of the same questions posed over and over. And while I appreciate the valient (read: fruitless) efforts made by fable along with other posters here to get newbies to use our (very well designed, I might add) search function, it seems that it's a logical error, since newbies, by default, are NEW to the forums and therefore are the least likely to notice and know about the search capabilities. However, they may be likely to notice a thread like this! :D

Here's how I envision this working. Newbies (and other posters are free to submit questions too) submit via reply any burning questions. I'll copy and paste that question here, boldface it, and then put my answer for you underneath. That way, all the FAQs are in one location, easily accessable by newbs. And since this is by the newbs, for the newbs, it's guarenteed to have those questions you want most answered, because YOU asked them! And if it's not here? Ask it!

I do not, in any way, claim to be the absolute guru in Morrowind lore. I don't have the answer to every question. I shall heretefore refer you to the very excellent (and stickied!) Morrowind Yellow Pages, in which you'll find links to incredible resources, not least of which an excellent FAQ and an excellent WhereIsIt page, which should answer most general questions. This thread is for less common questions, or questions that are extremely common but exist as just one among the dozens that are located in the FAQ or the WhereIsIt.

By the way, should I not know the answer to any particular question, I'll say so, and if you DO know the answer to that particular question, post it as a reply and I'll put it up, with credit given where it's due!


Question (posed by: Some_Random_Newbie)
How do I search the forums?
It's in the upper menu bar. The bar reads:
... Calendar New Posts Search Quick Links ...

Question (posed by: Me)
How do I get a picture to show up in my post?
I don't know. Could someone answer this question for me?
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Post by unregisturd »

Umm... Sorry to burst your bubble... take the wind out of your sails... crumble your cookie... whatever... But it seems to me like you're trying to fit the whole Morrowind Forum into one "convenient" little thread... To me, it seems a little more "inconvinient" than it would be helpful. I do agree that all the newbie questions get a little annoying at times, but they aren't so overwhelming that some of us can't catch them and get them to use the search bar or direct them to a thread... But, then again, it's your idea and your thread. It just seemed a little... hopeless. But, then again, maybe it's not such a bad idea after all.

EDIT: If your idea does work and it does help a lot of newbs, I suggest you try and get some people to make it a sticky.
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