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Gnome question

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Gnome question

Post by Caudimordax »

I'm trying to make a Gnome Ranger (I know you already have objections to the concept, but I want to try anyways. It seems interesting.) Every time I attempt to Dual-Wield, It only ends up as single wield. Rapier in main hand, Leather armor. Drop dagger in other hand, it switches to main hand and raiper is unequipped. What gives? Is it that Gnomes cannot dual wield? It can't be race size issue, because I've seen Tomi Dual-wield.
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Post by Mirk »

in order for a gnomr to duel-weild, bohtweapons used need to be small or tiny. gnomes and halflings use medium-sized weapons (like rapiers) with both hands.
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Post by Admo »

Now I've not played a small character (gnome, halfing, etc) before, only medium. But from what I've heard is this, as far as I am aware: weapon size is relative to character size.

Meaning that a rapier (medium sized weapon) in the hands of your gnome is the same as a greatsword (large weapon) in the hands of a human or half-orc of whatever. Only medium/small weapons can be duel-wielded, which I think is your problem. So a good short-sword and a good dagger is probably you best bet, or else you're looking at weilding a single, medium weapon like a longsword.

As for the gnome/ranger concept, why not! Its certainly interesting, and I find a character thats interesting in my head is well worth playing. Perhaps some would consider it unorthodox and not particularly practical (that dual-wield problem for example, a bonus for a ranger but a slight problem for a gnome), but its all about role-playing!
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