This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
Is it possible to become a vampire in morrowind?(without expansions)
And if it is possible how can it be done?Using telvanni bug musk on my character and walking smoothly in vampires cave?
In manual it says vampirism is a dissease so i might cast weakness to dissease on my self,whatever this is easy part.Is it required to beaten?The vampires that I came across always cast spells than attack but none of them tried to bite me.
the fire in my eyes is dying
and the zeal i had is gone
well one thing i've been pondering is that i think i've gotten vampirism, waay back and i used cure disease potion to get rid of it before i transformed into a vampire.
So does that also mean that i can't get infected again??? and if so, could someone look up the console command that allows me to become vampire, i suck with the TES CS, thanks in advance