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How do I get to chapter Four

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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lilith moonstar
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How do I get to chapter Four

Post by lilith moonstar »

I have cleared out all the monsters in the crypt wwhich was opened by the mage and the golem,went downstairs aand was told to go upstairs aand I defeated the monter in the blade room. But it does not seem to have updated my journal. When I went back to Aran and he said to go back and defeat the evil. I still have my wooden stakes iss it because Idid not use them that I cannot get ffurther can anyone please heelp
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Post by Klorox »

Sounds like you've got one coffin left to stake in Bodhi's Lair.
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-- Jackie Robinson

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Post by Ieldra »

You must kill all three (?) vampires in their coffins, in that room on the upper floor. When they are all dead, Bodhi confronts you. Survive that encounter and get back to Aran.
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