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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Post by themoot »

Can anyone list the thaco/# of attacks that the various character types get per level. The kit bonus to thaco and # of attacks is listed in the kit description, but I can't figure out what base bonuses are for fighters/rogues/priests/mages. Once site I read said that fighters get a thaco bonus every level, which I know isn't true. Another post I read said that thaco bottoms out at various levels for various classes. I'm confused.
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Post by Ieldra »

IIRC, the standard 2nd ed. rule for base THAC0 progression is:

The Warrior classes get +1/level
The Priest classes get +2/3 levels
The Rogue classes get +1/2 levels
The Wizard classes get +1/3 levels

In unmodified BG2, the Warrior classes have the correct progression (in spite of your disclaimer, it's true), the other classes are a bit worse off, although I don't know how much. The Ease-of-Use mod has a component that implements correct THAC0 progression for all classes.

Putting more than one proficiency slot into a weapon proficiency may give boni up to +2, high STR gives boni up to +3 for melee weapons, high DEX up to +3 for missile weapons, and magical weapons may add to that. Ah, and there are kit boni as well. So, for a level 12 elven Archer with DEX 18 using +1 Arrows with a +2 longbow, with three stars in long bow proficiency, it adds up like this:

9 base for L12
-3 DEX bonus
-2 proficiency bonus
-4 kit bonus (+1/3 levels with missile weapons)
-1 arrow bonus
-2 weapon bonus

for an impressive modified THAC0 of -3.

As for the number of attacks, only the Warrior classes get more than one melee attack per round, except for those added by equipment. At certain levels a Warrior can add a half-attack per round, but I don't recall at which levels that occurs. Missile weapons usually have their own attack rate.
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