Malchur Harpell
Malchur Harpell
I have this mage looking guy teleporting where ever I go (I'm in chapter 6, just staked bodhi) named malchur harpell, has a blue ring, when you try to talk to him it says "m.h. doesn't have anything to say to you". I detected evil, and he glows evil, so I tried pick pocketing him, since that worked in bgI if you wanted to kill someone with out losing rep points, but pick pocket failed and he never turned red... What gives? any body know? thanks 
"When you have attained the Way of strategy there will be not one thing that you cannot understand"...Miyamoto Musashi
Sounds like you killed Drizzt
Or you CLUAConsole-d in his equipment.
Do a search on M. Harpell and see if this will help you. I believe he want's Drizzts equipment back and you have either gotten rid of it and are now caught in a loop, or the game doesn't pickup the next part...which is M. Harpell asking for it back.
Do a search on M. Harpell and see if this will help you. I believe he want's Drizzts equipment back and you have either gotten rid of it and are now caught in a loop, or the game doesn't pickup the next part...which is M. Harpell asking for it back.
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
Thanks, I searched first, but I guess I spelled his first name wrong. Searching under m. harpell pulled up several. I am carrying that +3 scimitar from bgI, I wonder if I can just drop it by him?... Have you tried that patch, that guy at the yahoo group bg-scripts was talking about?
"When you have attained the Way of strategy there will be not one thing that you cannot understand"...Miyamoto Musashi
I don't know if that will work or not...try and see. How did you get the +3 scimitar? Pausing at the beginning and dropping the equipment?Originally posted by Akira-the-monk:
<STRONG>Thanks, I searched first, but I guess I spelled his first name wrong. Searching under m. harpell pulled up several. I am carrying that +3 scimitar from bgI, I wonder if I can just drop it by him?... Have you tried that patch, that guy at the yahoo group bg-scripts was talking about?</STRONG>
I don't use any of the add-on scripts. Kensai Ryu might be able to help you with this.
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
Weazel: I just CLUA'd it in the beginning with the old bgI cheat codes from gamespot. Don't use it much anymore since my monk is high, but in the begining I thought I needed it since he couldn't hit some monsters with his hands/feet. I did try dropping it and moving on, but that did not help the bug. It became increasingly harder to open chests and get items out, as well as buy/sell from a merchant. (field just kept closing before you could react, I finally tried pausing while chest was open & that helped. This is a great game, but I hate the weirdness!
Humanflyz: thanks, you were right, I played tonight and as soon as I hit Suldanessellar, M. Harpell was gone, and the bug with the chests was gone also. Boy, I sure was fast and furious there at the beginning of Chap 7!
I had 3 party members fatigued and couldn't find a place to rest til I hit Demin's house.
The monk is good at killing golems though!!!

Humanflyz: thanks, you were right, I played tonight and as soon as I hit Suldanessellar, M. Harpell was gone, and the bug with the chests was gone also. Boy, I sure was fast and furious there at the beginning of Chap 7!
I had 3 party members fatigued and couldn't find a place to rest til I hit Demin's house.
The monk is good at killing golems though!!!
"When you have attained the Way of strategy there will be not one thing that you cannot understand"...Miyamoto Musashi
I had a similar problem yesterday...(spoiler)
I killed Drizzt's party after leaving the Underdark. Took all of his equipment and finished all the quests I didn't do. Killed Bodhi, then left the crypt. This Malchor guy came and demanded Drizzt's stuff back. I told him to blow off
He took it anyway. So I reloaded. When he came the next time, I dropped the equipment, then picked it up when he left. He immediately comes back. Repeat 2 times. He imprisons my party
So I do all of that over again, except I enrage to protect myself from imprisonment. Wha-laa, messed up my game, just as described in this topic!
Moral of the story: You mess with BGII, and BGII messes with you
BTW, don't worry, I just reloaded again and dropped the items for good.
I killed Drizzt's party after leaving the Underdark. Took all of his equipment and finished all the quests I didn't do. Killed Bodhi, then left the crypt. This Malchor guy came and demanded Drizzt's stuff back. I told him to blow off
Moral of the story: You mess with BGII, and BGII messes with you
BTW, don't worry, I just reloaded again and dropped the items for good.
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
I wrote a script to fix this problem, it does not interfere with the game at all. All it does it take the small part of code out of the main script that spawns M Harkell when you have Drizzits equipment. I use it with my TOB and it works fine.
Heres some comments David G made about my patch if you are interested.
Heres some comments David G made about my patch if you are interested.
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Thanks KensaiRyu, I think I'll try it. I just finished, pretty exciting... I thought the second fight was better than the first. I was down to three characters. A couple of things, last night when I mentioned the game's weirdness I was also thinking of disappearing objects, for example, my character was carrying aerie's body as well as the rhynn lanthern, both items were gone before I entered the city, even though dialogue states "the lantern shows you the way", also the sewer key disappeared from my back pack, and earlier on the hilt for the equalizer disappeared. I had picked up Keldon the paladin after aerie died, which was a good move since he ended up killing Jon I. the second time around. I didn't try to resurect aerie, since I had wanted to romance Jaheira, but that pretty much stalled after chapter 3, like the forum stated it would. Never got her harper pin or crom faeyr weapon... Next time! I was disappointed in the special weapons, that you paid to put together. That vorpal sword should have been +5... Don't think any of my characters used any of the specially created weapons. Oh well...still a great game, am looking foreward to ToB. Have any of you guys played IceWind Dale? I bought that at the same time.
"When you have attained the Way of strategy there will be not one thing that you cannot understand"...Miyamoto Musashi