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Will User's Boots

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Will User's Boots

Post by Bloodthroe »

Uhm I'm not sure the point of wearing Will User's equipment over Plate. Even if you are a mage. What is the point of wearing them? They don't seem to add anything but +2 to your alignment and half the plates armor value. Is there any reason other then looks anyone knows to wear Will User's equip?
I kill two dwarves in the morning, I kill two dwarves at night. I kill two dwarves in the afternoon, and then I feel alright. I kill two dwarves in time of peace and two in time of war. I kill two dwarves before I kill two dwarves, and then I kill two more.
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Post by stanolis »


descript says "helps protect against magic"

but in reality - no, i don't think so
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