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The License

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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The Chosen One
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The License

Post by The Chosen One »

Hello there.
I red in the walkthogh that I can be able to buy an license( for 5000gp) for free using of magic within the city of Athakla. To whom shall I talk to get it???? I've tried to talk to everybody but no one seem to know anything about the license....Does anyone knows the awnser to this question??? :confused:
Thankfull for help
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Post by Julian »

You can by the license in the building of the council of six in the goverment disrict of Athkatla. It's marked on the map i believe. Anyway stick to the right after entering the map, the entrance has sentries, easy to find

Can't rember who to talk to but thats easy for you to find out
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Post by VonDondu »

There's nothing wrong with buying the license, but personally, I'd rather not give any gold to the Cowled Wizards, and I enjoy slaughtering them when they attack my party for using magic in the streets. When you loot their bodies, you can sometimes find some really nice scrolls that are hard to find, plus you get a fair amont of experience (and save yourself 5000 gp).
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Post by Miser »

Yeah, I agree.

Sometimes, you can get them to kill each other. When they shoot skulltraps at ya, they sometimes accidently get their own guys, then that guy fights back with his own skulltrap and gets all his buddies. Of course, this does mean you'll have to be pretty close to them in the first place, which is risky i know, but once in awhile, it's pretty amusing.

I dont like the license because with it, it'd be harder to pick fights with them.
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Cowled Kensai
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Post by Cowled Kensai »


I don't like licensce for a couple of reasons first I am a greedy *censored* and cowled wizards are so fun to chunk. My strategy is first cast invis and they can't see you so sneak behind em and let the slaughter commence :D .
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Post by morgan »

(Sorry for the late post...)

Pretty sure that the guy's name is Corneil
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