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I have a very serious problem

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I have a very serious problem

Post by Lowkei »

Ok ill get right to the point i am on the blade quest (caius cassades) where you have to get the bonebiter bow for the urukeiifif (what ever it's called) camp leader. I got to the right room and killed the ghost but the i left because i couldn't find the bow. I've now just found out that you have to search the ghosts remains to find the bow but because i left i can't find it's remains. Is it just because im not looking hard enough or am i screwed because they've dissapeared.If the remains have gone can i still compleate the main quest or find a way round it, because if i have to start again im going to launch my xbox across the room. Thanks again.
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Post by Opalescence »

don't quote me on this, but as far as I know items don't disappear if they're on the ground (it's why the space in front of my Creeper is littered with goods). So long as you didn't pick up the bow and dump it in a chest, you should be fine and it should still be there. Still, I'd be more confident in my analysis if someone else could confirm that :D .
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Post by Bluestorm »

Hi there..
I think i had the same problem,i couldn't find the bow after killing the ghost.
i looked every where in the cave but no it was lost to me...
but i have the pc version so i used to console command thing to give me the bow..not sure if you can do this on the x-box, also i don't know if there is away around this quest.

Sorry i know this dosen't help.
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Post by Asher »

I'm sorry to say but I think your in trouble man. the game is great but it will screw you over I have had to start over 4 times now. I believe the bow is gone if you had picked it up and droped it next to the ghost or well anywhere it would be there but I do believe it will disapear with the corpse. The only useful thing I can say is go to a walk though and see if it tells you a way to bypass it. I remember reading something about it but I dont remember what it said, sorry. you might have to go back to an old save file. the only other thing is I think that that particlular corpse might not disapear because it has something important on it I know there is a body on the bloodmoon expansion that didnt disappear. I dont know if this helped but I hope it does and no matter how bad it gets just remember if you throw your xbow out the window then it could break and halo 2 is coming out thats what kept me from throwng mine out the window.
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Post by arno_v »

You're not the first having problems with that bow. Hopefully it stills lies out there for you. Too bad you're on an x-box so you can't use the console commands.
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=arno_v]You're not the first having problems with that bow. Hopefully it stills lies out there for you. Too bad you're on an x-box so you can't use the console commands.[/QUOTE]

I think there's also a mod that fixes the bow--but as you state, it's PC, only.
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Post by dairy »

its a little off topic, but i know on xbox, after you leave X amount of stuff on the ground, it gets compressed into an "Overflow Loot Bag" (limitless capacity that automatically picks up anything around it.) its not likely, but if you've left a ton of stuff on the ground somewhere (and i do mean a ton), go back to that area and look for a little brown bag. if you find on, maybe your bow got vacuumed up.
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