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Travelling Light?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 10:04 am
by dragon wench
So I'm curious, does anybody sacrifice increased armour class and/or attack for the sake of travelling light or aesthetics?

I currently have all kinds of of ebony, and glass, as well as two pairs of daedric greaves, daedric claymores and dai katanas galore, Chrysamere, The Daedric Crescent.... and all of the legendary cuirasses.

My characters wears: The Ebony Mail, a pair of pants enchanted with bound boots, bound bow and bound longsword, The Fists of Randgulf (sp?), and an enchanted daedric tower shield.
Favourite weapon: Skullcrusher
total carrying weight: 120 pounds out of a possible 630 :cool:

OKay.. I know I have some pretty powerful stuff there, but my AC could be much higher (by at least 50 points) and Skullcrusher, while very good, does not have the same attack value as say Chysamere or a daedric claymore.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 10:36 am
by moltovir
I dumped a Daedric Shield with a nice home-made enchantment for Eleidons Ward, because it looked better :) Things i've also dumped because they didn't match with my other equipment are Daedric Greaves, Chrysamere and a pair of Glass pauldrons when I was still low level (I switched them with Dark Brotherhood pauldrons to wear a full DB set). There is a solution to this which I use frequently: I had a nice Daedric Shield with a CE 5 pts Restore Health, but Eleidons Ward looked so much better, so I just opened the editor, and made a new object with the textures of Eleidons ward but the enchantment and Armor Rating of my old Daedric shield. I did the same for Chrysamere, whom's look I changed to that of the Ice Blade o/t Monarch.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:47 am
by JesterKing
DW, you get to a point where its all about the looks... and i still play as a packrat that carries every little thing you will enver need, just in case, so weight used to matter. until i discovered the happy joy of 'Herculean Beer' (homemeade, really does the trick).

IF I WAS ABLE TO PALY ANYMORE i would dress all for the looks. when you are level 30 and 100dificulty is a walk in the park with your trusty sword and memorization of game tactics, sometimes you go bare naked and punch out vivec if you get bored. :D

EDIT - this is not to say i am only level thirty, but generally thats where it becomes to simple to live with.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:50 am
by Rookierookie
With the level 50+ Bosmer whom I no longer play, I can walk through Red Mountain naked, kill everything in there, and come out quite alive.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 7:24 am
by Yeltsu
When I am bored, I take out my lvl 56 Redguard, and run around half naked on Solstheim, wearing ony the boots of speed, some common pants and the DB greaves (just for the looks) Then I go about bashing everything I find with the severed Nord's leg :D

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 5:16 pm
by jopperm2
A good tip for beig dressed to kill is to take some clothing or armor you like and enchant it with sanctuary.. It's possible to get such a high sanctuary that you're near impossible to hit. Also if you have a fortify skill spell, enchanting something so that it raises your armo/unarmored skill to outrageous heights works well too.. This is good for Mages who want the look of no armor..

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 10:27 pm
by dragon wench
I am in fact thinking of having an entire suit of clothing enchanted with Sanctuary. At present my character still looks like a somewhat evil mage anyway. She's a Dark Elf with a Rhedd's face/hair mod, a black robe, and a black, hooded cape courtesy of the Metal Queen Boutique.
Hmm.. *cogs spinning here* :p

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 7:09 am
by moltovir
100% Sanctuary overcheeses the game so much, because you won't take any damage from weapons. Combine it with a certain ring from a certain King and you'll be invincible.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 11:37 am
by dragon wench
So what is a reasonable amount of Sanctuary, say roughly the equivalent of wearing armour? I already have the difficulty set at 100, and I'm at level 44; I don't really want to make the game any easier than it already is...

I was thinking of just a skirt and blouse enchanted with Sanctuary, which would give me around 24%, I think.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 11:54 am
by moltovir
1% Sanctuary gives a 1% chance that the attack will no damage at all, and 99% that the attack will succeed. So it's up to you to decide how many chance you'd want to have to block an attack. 40% or 50% sounds reasonable :)

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 2:39 pm
by dragon wench
Hmmm .. Well I enchanted the skirt and blouse with Sanctuary for 24 %, and I am wearing the Fists of Randagulf along with the Boots of the Apostle. My AC is at 34, plus I have the Sanctuary, and the game is actually challenging again. I even had to hightail it out of a Daedric ruin, to go back and make healing potions. :cool:
This should last until my unarmoured starts going up significantly.. :rolleyes:

I should explain, this is the furthest I have ever taken one character, but I decided some time ago to commit to a single game. So the challenge is to avoid the boredom factor. I am thinking of installing the Giants mod too, depending on how much of a RAM pig it is...

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 5:57 am
by moltovir
My suggestion: download Horatius' Dodge Mod and throw away your Santuary cloths. The mod will keep the AC of unarmored (65 at level 100), but will give you sanctuary points when you advance in the skill, starting at 1 point at level 20, up to 50 pts of santuary at lvl 100. Use your cloths for something nicer, like a CE Shield to improve your AC :)