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The BG Reference Crossroads needs updates!

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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The BG Reference Crossroads needs updates!

Post by fable »

It appears that a number of links in the BG Reference Crossroads are out of date. Some linked sites no longer exist. Others were simply begun, and left half-completed, without a mod to their name.

So if you have updated info on those sites, please either change recent listings of yours, or add new ones, and keep us informed when you find new entries. Thanks. :)
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Post by icelus »

Well, I realize we're not allowed to advertise other sites here, but I've put a crapload of time getting the Infinity Engine Modlist up and running. It's a comprehensive listing of all IE mods, patches, custom sites, portrait sites, and more.

The url is
Infinity Engine Modlist - Comprehensive, Interactive, and Up-to-date!

Pocket Plane Group and The Gibberlings Three - Your sources for quality IE mods!
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Post by fable »

Icelus, I'd rather this over in the BG Reference Crossroads, where it'll be part of a sticky. ;) Besides, you used to post a list of sites, there. It wasn't an advertisement, not with several dozen such.
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Luis Antonio
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Fable, perhaps we could "un stick" that one and build a brand new, with all the updates.
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Post by fable »

No offense, but I'm not sure what that would achieve. We always tend to look at the later posts in a thread, so just posting new versions of older ones should bring things pretty much up to date. If there's a fair amount of disagreement with me on this, though, I'll go ahead and do as you suggest. :)
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Luis Antonio
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Post by Luis Antonio »

I think bout doing this only to re-organize things... Nothing else. For example, to add all the info in four, five well made posts... or more.
Flesh to stone ain't permanent, it seems.
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