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Favorite Character You Have Played
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 5:33 pm
by jopperm2
I've been lurking here for a little while and I have made a few posts..
I'm just kind of wondering what the most enjoyable character you all have played is.
For me it is a N Male Elf Cleric 7 of a N nature deity named Hari from a campaign my DM made himself, Domains Earth and Plant.. Name: Thauruviel Liadon
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 7:52 pm
by Fiberfar
For me, That must be A half-giant Psion 6, which focus in the discipline of Telepathy. Oh how I love doing 6d10 to a person's mind with a level 1 power (this power will at level 20 do 20d10
Or perhaps I should stop their heart?????
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 3:46 am
by Stilgar
A slightly mad bard names Zook.
But that's also the only chracter i ever played.
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 6:21 am
by Nihilanth
Is we talkinf of 3ed characters? I just clicked on the "New threads" on the home page... If so:
1. Ghenay Torskin - Monk/Paladin Aasimar... dex 22, wis 24... that makes the AC of the character (without any special items) 23... He was a Lawfull Good unbeatable character with saves +15 fort, +17 ref, +18 (+19 vs. enchantment school spells) will... He had a tatoo of regenaration (1 hp/ round)... Worshiper of Illmater... He was sooo powerfull... That was an overpowered campaign... We just stoped playing one day...
2. Thokkot - Chaotic Good Barbarina, Half-orc... He was lvl 9 and was very powerfull... He got killed while traveling through a unsatable dimesnion door... He had a 99% chance of passing unharmed... My DM rolled 100% TWICE right in front of my eyes...
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 9:23 am
by jopperm2
[QUOTE=Nihilanth]Is we talkinf of 3ed characters? I just clicked on the "New threads" on the home page... If so:
1. Ghenay Torskin - Monk/Paladin Aasimar... dex 22, wis 24... that makes the AC of the character (without any special items) 23... He was a Lawfull Good unbeatable character with saves +15 fort, +17 ref, +18 (+19 vs. enchantment school spells) will... He had a tatoo of regenaration (1 hp/ round)... Worshiper of Illmater... He was sooo powerfull... That was an overpowered campaign... We just stoped playing one day...
2. Thokkot - Chaotic Good Barbarina, Half-orc... He was lvl 9 and was very powerfull... He got killed while traveling through a unsatable dimesnion door... He had a 99% chance of passing unharmed... My DM rolled 100% TWICE right in front of my eyes...
This can be any characters you've played in D&D.. Not just 3e..
That Monk/Pally combo is a bit odd I must say.. Oh wait, you said Illmater, I forgot that he has a group of those.. Still kinda weird though.
Your second character gave me an idea for another thread and reminded me of a situation I ran into when playing the Star Wars RPG.. We were rebels and the empire was boarding our ship. I was a high profile noble and this girl that was with me was a wanted criminal. We decided to put on radiation suits and stand by the reactor so the radiation would mask our profile on the scanners they were using. It would have worked too but the GM rolled for the Imperials and looked up at us in horror.. She goes, "Guys, you're not going to like this.."
(Game mechanics note: SW is a 3d6 system where if you roll a natural 18 you reroll the dice and add the result, if you keep getting 18s you can get a really high roll...) So she rerolled the dice about 6 times and needless to say we won ourselves a one-way ticket on an Imperial prison ship.. Luckily Han Solo busted us out before we got anywhere..
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 9:26 am
by Rob-hin
Favorite characters as in the most powerfull or the most fun to roleplay?
My favorite is Chade Wolfrider, a halfling druid 1/ ranger 6/ kensai 2.
He's a warrior of Chauntea, and sort of like a fighter for nature.
Chade Wolfrider
The moon’s silver rays lit Chade’s face as he looked out his window, he couldn’t sleep. Not tonight.
Chade rested his tired head on his hands and stared out the window. Snow had come early this year, earlier that night, the first snow started falling and it hadn’t stopped since. It wasn’t so rare that some snow had fallen this early, but normally it would clear up quickly. This time however, a snowstorm had caught the village by surprise and it started snowing like it was the heart of winter. The streets were covered with snow as Chade watched the guard Kinko, who had the night duty, walk by. He sure didn’t want to be him right now.
But the storm wasn’t the reason Chade couldn’t sleep. He turned his attention from the window and glanced at Glacier, a white wolf / huskie crossbreed. The dog stretched it’s paws in her sleep.
Chade was about to turn his attention outside again as Glacier woke up and started withering softly. Chade immediately stormed out the living room and into his parents bedroom. “It’s time! It’s time! Wake up!”
All went well that night and the next morning they all sat around a peacefully sleeping Glacier. Beside her laid a small nest of puppies, their eyes were still closed and they were totally bad but they were all in good health. Glacier had given birth to three strong puppies. Chade was totally obsessed by these small wonders, he couldn’t keep his eyes of them as he sat there until he finally fell asleep.
In the years that followed, Chade and the puppies grew closer. He and his father trained them every day. One of the young dogs and him seemed to be drawn to each other. While other kids played together, Chade and his dog didn’t need anyone else but each other. His mother worried about this lack of social contact but his father let it be. Secretly, he recognised himself in this picture.
Chade’s father, Beldar, was a well known character in the village. He was part of the well trained Halfling Wolfriders unit. This was the most noble unit in the village.
He village was quite remarkable, Halflings and Dwarves lived together at the base the Star Mountains in the High Forest. They worked closely together with the Dwarves. The Halflings and the Dwarves shared recourses and defended the village together. The Dwarves made an impressive defence with their big shields and swords. The Halflings on their mouts functioned as scouts and cavalry. The two together proved an impressive defence.
Chade wished to be know for his own actions, not the accomplishments of his father. He didn’t like it when someone called him ”The son of Beldar” he was very proud of his father’s accomplishments never there less.
In the years that followed, Chade grew up to be a well skilled Wolfrider, just like his father was in his time. He seemed to have a closer bond with his mount then his fellow Wolfriders though. This was not strange considering he and his mount grew up together. For his mount was the Glacier’s puppy, Chade had named him Snowstorm, after the storm in the night he was born.
Chade’s closest friend besides Snowstorm was dwarf named Tarf a talented Paladin of Helm. Together they dreamt of heroic deeds and grand adventures. Little did they know that adventure was soon to come and that they would play a big role in it.
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 9:41 am
by jopperm2
That was a great story..
Maybe if it slows down a bit here at work I'll post the story of Thauruviel.. It's a great one..
My original intent was the most enjoyable character to roleplay (and i would give anything to play side-by0side with that character he sounds so good), but if there are any characters that were just awesome munchkins that works too..
Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 9:40 am
by MonkeyBoy86
i as well have pretty much been kinda browsing thru here, just reading mostly, but i think the best character i've played was actually my first character, which was a teifling rogue, i was only able to play it up to level 6, and i can't remeber much , but it was a sick character to play, and very fun. second would be the most recent character i just made, a Samurai, whose name is Me Hung Lo (think about it)..... got that name from a MadTV skit lol, haven't had a chance to play it yet, but it turned out better than i expected, should be a blast to play, as i've always been interested by the Bushido and the Samurai way of life...
Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 12:10 pm
by Rob-hin
[QUOTE=MonkeyBoy86]second would be the most recent character i just made, a Samurai, whose name is Me Hung Lo (think about it)..... [/QUOTE]
Check out this
I think you'll like it.
Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 12:36 pm
by Aegis
I've a couple. One of my more notable, I'm currently playing in a campaign setting using Big Eyes Small Mouth (A horribly broken twinked out anime style rule book). A samurai who has been thusly named by everyone else as 'Yoji', or 'Nine-Fingered Yoji' after a recent accident involving a glacier, and an inept attempt to defrost me...
Currently, he's level 6, has 52 hit points, Saves: 5/9/3, and has a habit of making use of his 11 points in intimidate
Basically, he's the muscle of the group, and is more than capable of causing massive damage in one strike (upwards to 24 damage currently, with power attack activated).
The downside, though, is that he never misses, because of the twinked combat rules. BESM includes a subset of skills called combat skills, which is essentially skill points used towards to hit rolls, and AC. A shame.
Another one of my favorite characters is a character called Marcus. He's essentially a rogue class, but has absolutely no real combatitive abilities. He's more a skill based character, and a gambler
His only weapons he makes himself, which are small exploding dice (1d2/die, can throw upwards to 8 dice for a round of combat). He is always entertaining to break out, simply because when he is in his element of society and skills, he's almost unbeatable.
Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 1:32 pm
by Demortis
mine would be my Barb. hes human, uses a greatsword and long bow. i took a page from my friends book.
lock doors the halfling rouge cant get passed. stupid wooden doors. picks up the halfing and throws him into it. the door bursts open. "thats my kinda lock pick".
Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 1:38 pm
by Aegis
Easier method: Ask the DM which way the door opens. If it opens in, simply remove the door pins, and the door will just fall off the hinges
Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:22 am
by MonkeyBoy86
[QUOTE=Rob-hin]Check out this
I think you'll like it.
that was really funny!! LOL some languages are just so easy to use to make jokes. thanks, i probably never wouold have found that on my own
Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 7:17 pm
by Demortis
well barbs have very little intelligence (sp?) and i was feeling like doing something that only a barb would do
Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 10:31 pm
by Raumoheru
[QUOTE=Demortis]well barbs have very little intelligence (sp?) and i was feeling like doing something that only a barb would do[/QUOTE]
thats bullcrap you can have VERY intelligent barbs. just because a person has a certain profession or race doesnt mean he will have good stats reflecting that. i mean i have seen elven rogues with 12 dex and 16 con.
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 11:25 am
by Embry
Half-orc barbarian/fighter who likes gnolls very much. He likes them cooked and fried after he has sawed them to little pieces.
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 12:16 pm
by melancolly
my favorite charector was a drow mage 12lvl straight mage who had the ability to cast 5th lvl magic but the dm never gave him acess anything over 3rd .
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 12:19 pm
by Rob-hin
What was the motivation behind that?
Those things are the interesting part imo.
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 6:34 pm
by Demortis
ok im sorry i should try to make this clearer. i like many other people try to play to our characters strengths, and for a barbarian it his strenght. con is a second thing he needs to worry about. but if you cant laugh at a guy who throws short people through wooden doors you shouldnt be playing. you take things way to seriously. it was all done as a joke. one that worked but a joke none the less.
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 10:05 pm
by Raumoheru
i never said a big brawny dolt throwing a wee little halfling man through a door wasnt funny, i just said that because a person is a barb or w/e that doesnt mean that they are stupid...