Could you please tell me if you could become cheiftain of Thirsk (solstheim)
and if so who do you get the first quest from. Cheers Galak
Can You become Thirsk village Chieftain
Can You become Thirsk village Chieftain
Ther anit nothing better than killing a wolf. Oh wait u can always kill 2............
yes there is a way to become chieftain of thirsk but to be honest with you I dont remember what series of events you must set in order to triger it. I beleve though if you do a search on it that it will tell you how to do it I know that you have to kill *****spoilerish****** you will have to kill this thing that came up out of the lake when it was on fire it melted some ice and this creature comes up outta the lake. I suggest doing a search on thirsk in the forums or you may even try doing a search on severd nord leg.
ps I do appologize that I wasnt much help and I know things arnt spelled right I hope you can get the jist of it though
ps I do appologize that I wasnt much help and I know things arnt spelled right I hope you can get the jist of it though
I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other gods you will understand why I dismiss yours.
- Alien_Newborn
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well, having recently completed the quest myself, I'll run you through it step by step:
1. Finish all quest for the Skaal up until after you have to kill the Draugr lord Aesliip (who is located in the caves under lake Fjalding)
2. The next time you travel to Thirsk, everything will be all smashed up and broken, and everyone except the chick who says "watch out for Erich the Unworthy" and the bookseller (more on that later) is dead (Including the lady who sells the mead, offering you a couple free mugs).
3. The woman says some moster called The Uderfrykte (I hope I spelled that right) came and killed everyone then went back to its cave on the shore of the lake. She'll give you a quest (which you can deny, if you want) to kill the Uderfrykte and bring back proof.
4. Travel directly west and, like, a single degree south, and you'll find the cave on the shore. It's called, unsurprisingly, Cavern of the Uderfrykte. Go inside and kill the big monkey-like Uder-thing (it's not as hard as it looks). On it's corpse there is a severed nord's leg (which, ironically, can be used as a blunt weapon for some old-skool slapstick) and it's heart.
5. Take the heart back to the chick at Thirsk and she'll tell you to consult the spirit of Hrothmund, first chieftan of Thrisk. This part is pretty simple: go to Hrothmund's grave on the glacier Hrothmund's bane, and "activate" the axe. You'll get a confirmation that "you are worthy". Return to Thirsk, and let the merriment begin!
6. Now, there's a new crew at Thirsk, including a bard who sings a song about you, some chick who's just kinda there for some reason, the girl from old Thirsk and the bookseller (who, if you talk to, will give you a copy of "Thirsk, a history-revised" which contains new info as well as mentions your name). Talk to the girl about "Mead hall buisness" and you can
a.) Order mead, which, after 1 week, allows the hall to generate profits (as well as have 60 FREE mugs of mead delivered to your private quarters)
b.) Collect mead hall profits which allows you to personally gain 200-5000 gold (depending how long you wait between ordering mead and collecting)
c.) Send out hunters to collect wolf and bear pelts which delivers up to 20 mixed animal pelts (which can be used to make armour outside) to your private quarters
I hope this has been helpfull and will answer any questions you may have had.
Under the influence (again),
1. Finish all quest for the Skaal up until after you have to kill the Draugr lord Aesliip (who is located in the caves under lake Fjalding)
2. The next time you travel to Thirsk, everything will be all smashed up and broken, and everyone except the chick who says "watch out for Erich the Unworthy" and the bookseller (more on that later) is dead (Including the lady who sells the mead, offering you a couple free mugs).
3. The woman says some moster called The Uderfrykte (I hope I spelled that right) came and killed everyone then went back to its cave on the shore of the lake. She'll give you a quest (which you can deny, if you want) to kill the Uderfrykte and bring back proof.
4. Travel directly west and, like, a single degree south, and you'll find the cave on the shore. It's called, unsurprisingly, Cavern of the Uderfrykte. Go inside and kill the big monkey-like Uder-thing (it's not as hard as it looks). On it's corpse there is a severed nord's leg (which, ironically, can be used as a blunt weapon for some old-skool slapstick) and it's heart.
5. Take the heart back to the chick at Thirsk and she'll tell you to consult the spirit of Hrothmund, first chieftan of Thrisk. This part is pretty simple: go to Hrothmund's grave on the glacier Hrothmund's bane, and "activate" the axe. You'll get a confirmation that "you are worthy". Return to Thirsk, and let the merriment begin!
6. Now, there's a new crew at Thirsk, including a bard who sings a song about you, some chick who's just kinda there for some reason, the girl from old Thirsk and the bookseller (who, if you talk to, will give you a copy of "Thirsk, a history-revised" which contains new info as well as mentions your name). Talk to the girl about "Mead hall buisness" and you can
a.) Order mead, which, after 1 week, allows the hall to generate profits (as well as have 60 FREE mugs of mead delivered to your private quarters)
b.) Collect mead hall profits which allows you to personally gain 200-5000 gold (depending how long you wait between ordering mead and collecting)
c.) Send out hunters to collect wolf and bear pelts which delivers up to 20 mixed animal pelts (which can be used to make armour outside) to your private quarters
I hope this has been helpfull and will answer any questions you may have had.
Under the influence (again),
Get up, stand up. Come on, throw your hands up.
If you've got the feeling, Jump across the ceiling.
If you've got the feeling, Jump across the ceiling.