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I need all around character help

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I need all around character help

Post by Corrosive »

Alright, i've decided to replay this game. My first time around I was using a Soldier/Guardian but I was at the sand guy's base and I'd have to stop after every battle to regain, I was getting hit so much. What's a good skill/level/stat/feat point allocation so that I can hit the best, but not get hit as much? I'm guessing I didn't get enough Dex, but if it gets higher than str, will Dex raise my AB instead of str? I wanna try to use robes instead of armor just cause they look cooler, and i'll be going lightside this time around. Please help.
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Post by sun_facer »

Looks to me that you prefer a fighter (guardian) rather than a mage (consular). You can visit the thread titled "A really good attribute point allocation..." by UserUnfriendly. A lot of discussion there.

What stats did you start out with? What force powers did you use? What feats did you use? That all play a part in your play.

Both Dex and Str adds to your attack rating (+1 to attack per +1 modifier). For a fighter-guardian, I dun think there is any real problem. Fighter-Guardians are granted the highest attack ratings in the game among the other classes.

If you want to have really high defense, dun use critical strike. That takes away 5 defense everytime you use. Use force speed or shield or both.

I guess the highest natural defense goes to the jedi consular. But they have really low vitality. Did easily.

However, having said all that, many things remain debatable. So allow me to also ask, which battles are you having trouble with? If you mean Malak... or the giant rancor on Taris, there's not much to dodge there.

Personally, my fav chars start with nothing above 14 stat. I even prefer str over dex. On normal difficulty setting, getting hit is not a prob for a guardian especially when you have the toughness feat line. Even in the end on 1 occassion, i got hit by 2 thermal detonators, surrounded by 3 DJs and having my other 2 party members missing in action was a little of a scare but no real threat.
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Post by Corrosive »

Well, i'm starting from scratch so i'm working with nothing right now. I'd like to have a good solid tank build which can still hit with the best of them is what I'm asking.
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Post by sun_facer »

Some monsters like the sand elites, malak, terentaks and rancors have very high attack ratings. So you have to reach a defense of 35 or 40 to observe significant dodging. That is not fully achievable with only high dex. I mean, how high can your dex be by level 12-14? U will need some form of mods, like force shield, speed, or armour if you want to reach that high a defense.

My personal preference for a light-sider guardian is to take hits and still stay in the battle. Coz I dun like to cast so many powers before the battle. So boring, and they only last 20 secs. I prefer robes too.

My fav build starts off as a scout to lvl4 to gain the uncanny dodge 1 and the higher saves. Starting stats are very even=>14/14/14/10/14/12. I put all my skill points into persuade and treat injury. The rest of the 5 points is well, debatable.

You dun have to worry much about attack ratings with a guardian. They are granted the best bonuses in the game. You will want to consider the balanced weapons if you double-wield though. Choose your crystals wisely at the beginning of the game when the attack bonuses have not been granted to you yet. The +3 to attack crystal is really good.

Feats are also important. Most I read prefer Critical strike or Flurry. Flurry at 1st level is pretty bad, large penalties with little to gain. But it quickly becomes an asset in battle at master level. Critical strike is erm.. well, needs the Nextor and Opila crystals to be more effective. It's your choice. If you find that you are missing too much against a particular enemy, dun use feats that have too large a penalty. If you find that they are hurting you too fast, it is likely that you are swarmed or there is a better approach to the problem. Jedis, powerful as they may be, are not gods. If you have a particular battle you have problems with, I will be happy to discuss it with you.

I also always take the toughness feat and double-wield option. Tankers have to hit hard and fast in battle, coz often there is no running away. I learn this from the terentaks themselves. They are so dangerous not becoz you can't hit them but becoz they hit you very hard and very fast. So I do the same.

I also use lots of force speed and stasis field/Insanity/Destroy Droid. I also use those free grenades from Zaalbar. Adhesive grenades can stop backline fighters from crowding you. Concussion grenades stops everyone pretty well. Plasma grenades makes your enemies weaker by the time they reach you. Poision grenades are kinda fun too.

Items are important too. Some of them are very expensive. But worth it.
The CNS Strength belt is an early asset from the Twilek on Dantooine. The Echani Dance staff is almost as awesome as a lightsaber without crystals. The Electrical Capacitance Shield belt has an important role in Malak's fight. The Dominator glove from Korriban is an all time favourite. The karakan glove from the double-headed dealer in the hangar on Tatooine is also good till later. The stabilizer mask looks weird but is a real life saver in tougher battles.

If you want to try the Difficult setting as a guardian, then you may also want to consider more than just an uber guardian. There are several strategies you can use. Always make sure that your party members are behind you and in line of sight of enemies when you enter a battle. It's better that all swing into action together than have your tanker suffer before the rest joins in. It is also important who you choose to come with you. As a tanker, you want at least one support like Jolee.

Also, learn to pause during battle often and take control of your other party members. That makes a battle feel longer and more fun (to me at least). I really hate to see Bastila coming outta a battle with no FP spent. What a slacker.
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Post by asure »

I used to act role
Light Scout 4/Guardian 16 Using Two-Weapon Fighting and having all attack feat
Strength 18+5(Level)+3(Master)+5(Glove)+5(Power)+2(Belt)=38
Dexterity 16+5(Implant)+5(Power)=26
Constitution 9+5(Power)=14
Intelligence 9+5(Power)=14
Wisdom 9+5(Head Gear)+5(Robe)+5(Power)=24
Charisma 9+5(Power)=14
Scout 1:Critial Strike,[Implant]
Scout 2 :P ower Attack
Scout 3:Two-weapon Fighting
Scout 4:[Implant],[Uncanny Dodge]
Guandian 1:Lightsaber
Guandian 3:Two-weapon Fighting
Guandian 6:Two-weapon Fighting
Guandian 7:Critical Strike
Guandian 9:Critical Strike
Guandian 12:Implant
Guandian 13 :P ower Attack
Guandian 15 :P ower Attack

Light Scout 2 - Sentinel 18 having MAX HP!!!
Strength 9+5(Power)=14
Dexterity 10+3(Belt)+3(Glove)+5(Implant)+5(Power)=26
Constitution 17+3(Master)+5(Level)+5(Power)=30
Intelligence 9+5(Power)=14
Wisdom 15+5(Hear Gear)+5(Robe)+5(Power)=30
Charisma 13+5(Power)=18
Scout 1:Toughness
Scout 2 :D ueling
Sentinel 1:Lightsaber
Sentinel 3 :D ueling
Sentinel 6 :D ueling
Sentinel 9:Implant
Sentinel 12:Implant
Sentinel 15:Toughness
Sentinel 18:Toughness

Dark Soldier 7 - Guandian 13 using Single Sword,and having MAX Str
Strength 17+5(Level)+4(Robe)+5(Glove)+5(Power)+2(Belt)=38
Dexterity 16+5(Implant)+5(Power)=26
Constitution 13+5(Power)=18
Intelligence 9+5(Power)=14
Wisdom 9+5(Power)=14
Charisma 9+5(Power)=14
Soldier 1:Toughness
Soldier 2 :D ueling
Soldier 3:Flurry
Soldier 4 :D ueling
Soldier 5 :P ower Attack
Soldier 6:Toughness
Soldier 7:Implant
Guandian 1 :D ueling
Guandian 3 :P ower Attack
Guandian 6:Implant
Guandian 7:Implant
Guandian 9:Toughness
Guandian 12:Lightsaber
Guandian 13:Lightsaber

Dark Scoundrel 6 - Consular 14 Sith Lord!!!
Strength 11+4(Robe)+5(Power)=20
Dexterity 10+3(Belt)+3(Glove)+5(Implant)+5(Power)=26
Constitution 15+5(Power)=20
Intelligence 11+5(Power)=16
Wisdom 14+5(Level)+5(Power)=24
Charisma 15+5(Power)=20
Scoundrel 1 :D ueling
Scoundrel 2:Implant
Scoundrel 5 :D ueling
Consular 1:Implant
Consular 3 :D ueling
Consular 6:Implant
Consular 9:Medium Armor
Consular 12:Heavy Armor
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

IER is your friend...
IER is your friend...
IER is your friend...

unlike what it says in your game manual, it works just like a mandalorian power blocks ALL damage 15 points, until the duration runs out...

IER, toughness feats (all of them), high con, the con implant from (deleted) are all mandatory if you choose the str based builds...

get force wave maxed out too...throw mobs of enemy away from you, it destroys initiative, so they might not attack you that round, it damages them, and it will stun some of them...when they mob you, force wave...

insanity is awesome any level, light and dark side...15 points max lightside, and it even works on dark jedi masters... :eek:

and never neglect master speed...he who lives to run away, lives to fight another day... :cool:

(and the +4 defense of master speed is nice too..) :rolleyes:
They call me Darth...

Darth Gizka!

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