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Nordic Moments

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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dragon wench
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Nordic Moments

Post by dragon wench »

OKay... have you ever experienced moments in Morrowind when you have ended up feeling *really* stupid?

I had one such moment earlier... I am experimenting with a high elf character born under the Atronach. Since I had read that the Imperial Shrine healing alters recharge your magic supply when you hit "restore attributes," I duly went off looking for the healing alters at various shrines.. but no matter how hard I searched I could not actually see any "healing alters."

I did a search here, but no luck. So then I dug into some of the FAQ guides, and finally found a hint.. since a quest giver at Fort Buckmouth was described as being located "downstairs near the healing alter."

I have been playing the game for about 6 months, and it had not actually dawned on me that those table-like things were in fact alters...As far as I could see that nice loaf of bread was there for a snack in case the priest got hungry :rolleyes: :o :rolleyes:

Other incidents? :D
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

It took 6 months to find Dwemer Puzzle box.. but hey i was on level 52.. and then i had night eye 100 points.. atleast i found it by my self..

I ran 2 hours in one big circle.. around dagoth ur's citadel.. so many dead bodies and yet still in same circle..

Tried to kill Ordinator at level 1 using only my fist as my weapon.. well i had level 5 hand to hand..

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by jopperm2 »

It took me forever to find the puzzle box, I just never saw that second floor. Drove me crazy.
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Post by Squee »

yes... that bloody second floor... hate it... it took me 1 hour to find that gad damnedm puzzle box!
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Post by OuterParadise »

Man.. I remember the Temple quest where u have to obtain a glove called Gambolpuddy or something and then sacrifice it in front of Sheogorath's statue.

I tried to look for it everywhere but couldn't find it inside Al'Daedroth..
I ended up getting quite pissed off and started a brawl by killing that scamp and the others in the same room as that scamp. One of them died right next to a pillow and I clicked on the pillow by mistake(wanted to loot the corpse). VOILA! There it was lying hidden beneath a pillow... lol
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dragon wench
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Post by dragon wench »

lol! :D

I had another such moment when I began my trek towards completing the main quest (slight spoiler >> highlight):
When I arrived at Dagoth Ur's Citadel, it took me over an hour to find that damn crank required to open the door. That would have been bad enough, but what made it even worse is that I went through the exact same process just a few weeks ago (real time) when completing a Temple quest, I simply could not remember where the crank was! :o :rolleyes: :o
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Post by Greg. »

I could not find the flower you have to find for Anhassi (the cat-lady in peliagad), so I stole it from the mages guild in vivec and everyone attacked me. Bloodbaths seem to be a habit with me, because I killed all the Cammona tong guys - no taunting - cost me about 2500 with the theives.
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