Bloodlines Post-Release Interview
Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 7:52 am
Regarding the first question, where Leonard responds that they were pleased with the feedback they received, I would like to know where they received this "feedback" from. I have never been so displeased and frustrated with a game in my life. Don't get me wrong, the graphics are nice (not Half-Life 2 or Doom 3 nice, but better than most), but the are inconsistent and full of bugs (objects overlapping other objects that should be in front of them, etc). The game play and story is good and the free range of quests and side quests makes it a different game every time you play, but the mechanics of the game (sound quality, movement, available options) leave much to be desired. I cannot look at fog or fire without my speakers cracking, and yes, I have a compatible sound card and the most up-to-date drivers. As I walk down the street, the system locks and I keep walking straight into buildings, people, etc., and yes, I have the most up-to-date drivers for my keyboard. And, other than setting a few graphic and game play options, there isn't much more you can do to tweak the quality of the game. I even found spelling errors in the dialog! Lastly and my greatest cause for frustration, is the crashes. My system exceeds the game requirements and recommendations. It runs Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 with no problems what-so-ever, so my would it have difficulties with this game? The answer, Troika's quality management dropped the ball. To put a game on the shelves with this many problems was a crime, and to compound the situation, it has been over two weeks and there is still no patch to fix any one of these problems. Mr. Boyarsky, you need a better pipeline for feedback, because you seem to be reading only the good reviews. Try doing a search on "Vampire Bloodline Problems" and you will see that many users are having problems and share my dissatisfaction.