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need suggestions for fixinng game crashes

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need suggestions for fixinng game crashes

Post by RP80 »

Lately the game crashes for me once every 15 minutes or so. I started after I had altered my charachter with Shadow Keeper(moving 3 points in intelligence to charisma). The version of it was pretty old(Version 1.7.0) so I'm guessing that it was some kind of bug that caused this, but i don't know for certain.
What can I try to do? Suggestions?

...I'm really desperate... :(
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Post by Lancelot122 »

I used shadow keeper last year to get those pants from Baldur's gate I and a vecna robe and after that my game was crashing too... Keep it mind that this program may cause trouble in your game; so play without it if u want none just like I do now.
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Post by RP80 »

so, only option is to start over from scratch... *sigh* I better get used to these crashes then, I have ivested far to many hours now.
Perhaps I should try to reinstall Baldurs Gate, keeping the save files of course. However that will probably don't do ****, since it probably is the save files that are corrupted.
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Post by Lancelot122 »

Yea but you can always try!! Of course if your game crash very often again, the only solution (I think) is to reinstall and stop usin sl... Hope that help a lil :(
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Post by fable »

Try going back to a saved game before you used SK. After all, if it started crashing soon after the alterations, I'm sure you kept a pre-SK save around just in case. That would only make sense.
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Post by RP80 »

Fable: I didn't. I had a backup at first, but after I had played for 10 minutes or so and nothing happend I deleted ut. I was just so damn happy over the change I had made so I wanted that old charachter with the "not so realistic" 18 intelligence gone asap. :P
I'm much to inlove with this new guy, 18/18/16/15/10/18, half elf, blade, neutral evil, a portrait of Elric(an evil elf from a fantasy book series) what's not to love? ;)
(to get max spells per level, 15 intelligence works pretty good with +4 potion of genius).
So everyone hold your thumbs please, I have just downloaded the BGII patch and I'm reinstalling, this better work...
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Post by RP80 »

It did the trick, nice, now I can waste away more of my time sitting alone in my apartment in front of the comp. NICE :D
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