This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
I'm in the Thieves Guild. I have the prerequisites (80 in one, 30 in at least two and the stat requirements). I've done all the possible missions EXCEPT those that Gentleman Jim Stacey will give me
He won't give me advancement to Mastermind because supposedly I haven't done enough jobs But he won't give me any jobs because he says
"Return to me when youre a Mastermind"
What the heck am I supposed to do!?!
I've tried all the thieves guilds' for advancement but no one is willing to give me any jobs nor advancement...
Have you spoken to him about 'help us fight'. if you have go speak to percius mercius (fighters guild in Ald'rhun) and then speak to Jim again. He should tell you what to do about one of the guild stewards.
EDIT - put the bal molagmer gloves on first - I think it depends on which version you are running. i am master theif and I never did the missions.
I got to the same point in my advancement; I had to do some of the Robin Hood quests (not sure of their correct name) before he would finally promote me.
Good things come to those that wait--but only what's left over from those that hustle.