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I lost my moon dog figurine somehow!!!

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I lost my moon dog figurine somehow!!!

Post by alexales »

after finishing the "plane" quest where you rescue the actors and Haer D'alis I realized that somehow and inexplicably my moondog was not in my inventory anymore. Unfortunately I can not go back to the plane as that portal is closed (unless I start from scratch). Any way i can get it back? is this a bug?
I am on a Mac OX10.

thanks for your help, Alexa :(
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Post by stramoski »

Lost Animal

Are you patched? Both Bioware and Baldurdash?

IIRC, the baldurdash one eliminates a nasty side effect of the fear-type spells. You actually go around dropping things! It also fixes two other problems that many people had: The death of the summoning character results in the loss of the once-per-day item. The Nishruu Summons will consume items if they are out of charges...

Unfortunately, none of these fixes are retroactive, so Clua-ing or SK may be the only way to get your Dog back :(
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Post by alexales »

unfortunatley I am a computer idiot

and so I have no idea what any of this stuff you mentioned means ;-).
like "clua-ing" or "SK", now idea what that is.

but thank you anyway, I appreciate it. I porbably start from scratch anayway.

thanks again
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Post by Ekental »

[QUOTE=alexales]and so I have no idea what any of this stuff you mentioned means ;-).
like "clua-ing" or "SK", now idea what that is.

but thank you anyway, I appreciate it. I porbably start from scratch anayway.

thanks again

CLUA console: Editing tool used by devs (developers) in BG. Accessed by going to BG.ini and typing in "Debug Mode=1"

In game press ctrl-shift to access commands.

The one your looking for would be the create item command.
Type in CLUAConsole on google for the command list

SK (Shadowkeeper)
A program used for editing saved games in BG... you can give yourself items, change stats, mess with global variables, etc.
Again go to google to find it.

(Isnt there a FAQ about this?)
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Post by alexales »


thank you for the info, by coincidence I actually tried to enter the Debug Mode=1 today to speed up the appearance of Terminsel but for some reason it does not work, maybe cause I am Mac.
I enter the code in teh .ini file, save and then access the game, but ControlSpace does not do anything other than pausing the game. back to the file, turns out that the Debug line has vanished. I entered it several times but apparently it does not stay there. I can not open the .ini file again after I saved it only after I have started and quit the game it I can go into the file again only to find out that again the Debug line has vanished.
oh well, no biggie, I guess I am not supposed to cheat ;-). I'll start again, I am not happy with being a Beastmaster anyway.

thanks again!
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Post by Edar Macilrille »

I have had the same problem with a previous install on an old PC, BG I Clua only worked partly, BG II Clua did not work at all.

I recommend Shadowkeeper, though it clashes with some of the mods AFAIK, CtB for certain, possibly others.

Good night; Palle
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Post by alexales »


thanks a lot Palle, again i don't know what all this means "AFAIK, CtB etc", I don't even know what a "mod" is ;-) so you guys should probably not waste your breath on me ;-).
I'll try the Shadowkeeper tho, does that work for Mac as well?

thanks again, Alexa
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Post by Edar Macilrille »

Hey, you will never learn if we do not waste breath on you. I myself am fairly new to computer games and these fora, though a long time debater of various issues. old hands should help newbies so we get new blood in, it is the same everywhere. Further, where I come from Alexa is a female name and I am both a gentleman and a fool for pretty girls ;-)
Mod= Modification, a modification of some sort to the game, there are many of those. Most add something to the game, new joinable NPCs, new quests, new weapons, etc. They vary in quality and some are still buggy. Pocketplane has the most complete list it seems, but I recommend checking the various threads here to see what mods are compatible and relatively bug-free.

CtB is the abbrevation for Check the Bodies, a mod that is still unfinished and thus have bugs, and clashes with some other mods as well as Shadowkeeper.

AFAIK= As Far As I Know, AFAICR= As Far As I Can Recall.

As for whether Shadowkeeper works with Mac, I do not know, check its site, it should say there. Or you can start worshipping Micro$oft and Bill Gate$ every day as is suitable. Start by turning towards Seattle, kneel and recite "It is a hardware problem, Hail Bills Gate$."

Best wishes again, and again a good night to all; Palle
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Post by alexales »

well you certainly are a gentleman!!
where I came from Alexa is a female name as well, hence I am female and I like to say pretty as well ;-)
thank you thank you thank for all the explanations, I really appreciate it and it will indeed help me greenhorn to get a step closer to becoming an old hand myself one day (but it's still a loooong way).

I am sure our paths will cross again - when I have a another stupid question ;-)

thanks again and take care, Alex
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Post by stramoski »


Don't forget to get patched... You can download the patch here at gamebanshee, and the baldurdash (sort of a patch, but unofficial... resolves alot of other issues) at

Both are essentials, but remember to download the right one.
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