Ok, the trick to use any custom model for the player is to change the file in the proper directory. My question is: do I need to extract all the files or the engine always uses the file with the newer date in the same directory?
In this way I wouldn't need to unpack all the system files but simply dropping my content in the appropriate directory
When u say "all files", do u mean all the files in the vpk packs? If yes, then u don't; all u need to do is to extract the model files u want. (The model files of the one u want ur PC to look like and the original PC model files)
Simply put, in many other games that use packed files (i.e Quake 3 based) you don't have to unpack all the archieve to change a single file contained within but it's sufficient to drop in the same directory a file that ovverride the original one.