Started a new game...soloing this time. I have recieved a quest from the guy in the government building to go to umar hills, and nalia to go to her place (booted her from party though). These places appear gray on my world map and I can not travel to them. Sorry for newb question, looked for the answer in many pages of forums but could not find related thread. What is needed for me to be able to go to these places and others like it.
WAH!!! seconds after posting I got the quest to go to trademeet and now all three places are open for me to go to! Still an explaination of what happened would be greatly appreciated!
You don't actually have to leave. Just go through the gates to bring up the world map (all the areas are now blue), then hit esc and go back to the city. Yuo can now go to those outdoor areas from anywhere in the city.
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes right down to the bone