First, I was very dissappointed because of the numerous bugs. Once you learn a workaround, I was able to enjoy the experience and I love tha game!
However, near the end of the game, numerous issues come back to haunt me.
0. Overall size of the game. About half of the size which BG2 provided for. Not enough.
1. Bugs... bugs... bugs.... like, sinking into the ground after a sneak-bloodsucking-attack, crashes, getting stuck elsewhere.
2. Area-switching, terrible loading times (did you notice those numerous error messages when the console is active?).
3. Graphical glitches; I count them seperately from those bugs since they do not blockade the game. Some of them are so bad that they seem intentional.
4. Graphical stupid-laziness. Example: The deheading of your sire in the start movie... man that is so bad!
Now the issues which are IMO real design-flaws.
1. Only one avatar, one clothing. Since NWN long gone. Last decade, boys.
2. Very, very bad sound for the foot-Steps. Even Darkforces of the early 90s was better. Last decade, boys. This almost ruined the haunted-hotel experience for me.
3. Loose-ends en masse. Like, Tung, Isaac the Anarchs after you have finished the quests connected to them. It just spoils immersion when you go back there and just get a lame question about something which has been settled long time ago.
Example: Isaac "You been to Kings yet?" - great man, been there, done that!!!
4. The RPG-choices. Worst example: How dump is your PC, going back to LaCroix and playing along all the time!? Already after the first encounter with Nines I would have switched sides all along! Having to frame Nines, I never would have done it, since Grout left so many obvious hints that it never could have been Nines! Stupidity for the sake of a forced story-line.
5. PC personal interaction: The Heather, VV... good idea, bad implementation, these could have been the occasion to intriduce romances and conflicts which could have surpassed the famous BG2-romances!!!
Bottomline: They are on a good way, but they need to improve. I would say, they just missed the title of the game of the year. Sad.
Next time, for a sequel, Troika should employ better programmers and spend even more time on game design and story. Please.