[QUOTE=ofst]i have read your post yet..
but i still can't memorize it..
is it in this way?
1. identify the scroll using the identify ability..
2. use read magic to memorize it to the spellbook..

The 'Read Magic' spell is used to cast a spell from a scroll.
Step 2 should be to use the 'Copy Scroll' function in the radial menu to copy the scroll into your Wizard's spellbook. Hold your cursor over the radial menu button that looks like a stick figure. If you have an arcane (as in a spell for a Sorcerer or Wizard) scroll identified, then the 'Copy Scroll' option will appear between your Wizard's 'Talk' and 'Call Familiar' options.
You'll want to save before you attempt to copy a scroll, since there is the chance that it may fail.
Hope this helps.